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Council tax discount for carers and care workers

A person can be disregarded from council tax if they are providing care and / or support to one or more people.


You must satisfy one of the two categories shown below to qualify for this disregard. For a discount to apply, there must be no more than one other non-disregarded adult living in the property:

Care worker

  • They are providing care or support on behalf of a Local Authority, the Common Council for the City of London, the Crown or a body established for charitable purposes, or,
  • Are employed by the person they are caring for, but were introduced by a relevant body, and,
  • Care or support is provided for at least 24 hours per week, and
  • They receive less than £36.00 per week in payment, and,
  • They live in premises provided either by, or on behalf of the relevant body or the employer for the "better performance of their duties"


  • They provide care to a person entitled to one of the specified benefits
    1. Attendance Allowance
    2. Disability Living Allowance (Highest or Middle Rate)
    3. An increase in Disablement Pension
    4. An increase in constant Attendance Allowance
    5. The standard or enhanced rate of the daily living component of Personal Independence Payment
  • They live in the same property as the person they are caring for, and,
  • They provide care for at least 35 hours a week, and,
  • They are not the spouse or partner of the person being cared for,
  • They are not the parent of the person being cared for where the person requiring care is under 18 years of age


To apply, you will need:

  • Your council tax account reference number
  • An email address

This form should not be completed by people working in a care home environment.

What happens after you apply

We will contact you to let you know the outcome of your application. Our current estimated response time is 9 weeks.

Tell us if your circumstances change

A change to your circumstances may mean that you are no longer eligible for this discount. This is stated in Regulation 16 of The Council Tax (Administration and Enforcement) Regulations 1992. Please email to tell us within 21 days if your circumstances change.

If you disagree with our decision

If you disagree with a decision we have made, you have the right to appeal. Visit our council tax appeals page for more information.

Need help?

Please have your council tax account reference number ready.

(Both phone lines open Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm - excluding bank holidays).

You can also post a letter to us:

Revenue and Benefits Service
Peterborough City Council
Sand Martin House
Bittern Way
Fletton Quays