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There are a number of ways you can get money off your council tax bill. This section provides details on the different discounts, reliefs and exemptions you can apply for.

  • Who lives in your property and your circumstances will determine whether you qualify for a discount or exemption or not
  • You will not automatically receive a discount or exemption - you need to apply
  • If we approve your discount or exemption, we will send you an amended council tax bill

Claiming a discount or exemption when you know you are not entitled is fraud. You can be prosecuted for this.

If your circumstances change at any point, and you're no longer entitled to a discount or exemption, you must tell us within 21 days by emailing

Council tax discount for care leavers

If you are a care leaver aged between 18 and 25, contact your Personal Advisor for information on receiving a council tax discount. 

You can also view our care leaver accommodation page for more information.
