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When someone has died as a result of domestic abuse, a Domestic Homicide Review (DHR) should be carried out.

The Safer Peterborough Partnership is required to undertake a Domestic Homicide Review where someone over the age of 16 dies, or appears to have died, from violence, abuse or neglect by someone they are related to or had been in an intimate personal relationship with, or were a member of the same household.

Intimate personal relationships include relationships between adults who are, or have been, intimate partners or family members, regardless of gender or sexuality. This can also include where a victim took their own life and the circumstances cause concern.

Purpose of Domestic Homicide Reviews

Domestic Homicide Reviews (DHRs) are not inquiries into how the victim died or into who is responsible.

The purpose of a DHR is to understand where there are lessons to be learned. For these lessons to be learned as widely and as thoroughly as possible, local professionals and organisations need to understand fully what happened in each death and, most importantly, to look at what needs to change to reduce the risk of such tragedies happening in the future.

Domestic Homicide Review reports

You can find published Domestic Homicide Review reports for Peterborough below.

Published: 26 February 2025