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Safer Peterborough is committed to helping those in need. We work closely with charities, faith groups and enforcement agencies to support rough sleepers into accommodation. We also have close partnership links with agencies that support those with alcohol, drug and mental health issues.

Every rough sleeper is given an offer to leave the streets. This could mean help with reconnecting to where they have established links, assistance in accessing supported or private rented accommodation or negotiation to stay with friends or family.

Four myths about begging

  1. Everyone who begs is a rough sleeper - This is not true, the majority of people begging in Peterborough either have accommodation or have been provided with housing support and advise but have declined the advice and support provided.
  2. There are no services in Peterborough for people who beg - This is not true, there are a wide range of services working together in Peterborough to help get people off the streets. These include charities, faith groups, health and treatment services, as well as the council.
  3. People who beg need money for food - Many of those begging in Peterborough will use money to feed an addiction. Charities exist in Peterborough offering free food to those in genuine need.
  4. It's ok to give food instead of money - If you give food, money that may have been saved for a meal can be diverted into feeding an addiction. If you want to give food, donate it to a local charity.

If you want to help those who beg in Peterborough we’re asking you not to hand over any money, however small the loose change, but instead to donate to registered organisations who can help.

These organisations can supply the support needed, whether that is food and clean clothes, or help to come away from drugs and alcohol additions.

Safer off the Streets Partnership

A Safer Off the Streets Peterborough brings together seventeen organisations from voluntary, faith, community and public service agencies who will work together to aid those who are sleeping rough on our streets. Initiatives include a new contactless card donation card window outside in St Peter’s Arcade which funds will directly help the street homeless; new outreach and rehabilitation programmes across the next 12 months and beyond; and a dedicated website - bringing vital services and information together all in one place and where you can make online donations.

For further details visit the Safer off the Streets website.

Support for rough sleepers

We currently have a team who work with rough sleepers in the city, find out more about the work we do to help rough sleepers. The aim of this team is to break the cycle of habitual rough sleeping and encourage service users to engage with various support agencies to get them off the street and into sustainable accommodation.

If you are aware of someone sleeping rough please notify us using the rough sleeper referral form via Streetlink.

Support organisations