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Violent crime has the potential to affect some of the most vulnerable communities in Peterborough. Our aim is to reduce the number of violent crimes in the city, particularly those that are fuelled by alcohol and we are working with the licensed trade to improve safety in our pubs and clubs.

What we're doing

Working together with city centre pubs and clubs, a banning scheme has been introduced to keep people out of venues who behave anti-socially after drinking too much alcohol.

Other alcohol targeted initiatives planned and already launched include:

  • A rejuvenated screening process in custody where offenders are asked a series of questions to get a picture of venues they have been drinking in
  • Conditional cautions with alcohol-related offences
  • Mystery shoppers in pubs and clubs to ensure they are being operated properly and also used to support managers of the pubs and clubs

The good news is violent crime in the city centre is decreasing each year and police and NHS partners are sharing A&E (accident and emergency) data to map where assaults are taking place.

We know communities are also very concerned about young people using alcohol in our neighbourhoods and we aim to reduce the harm caused by this behaviour.

There is also a focus on preventing youth on youth violence and the partnership has been awarded funding to bolster the work we are already doing with young people and families in schools and through the Peterborough Youth Offending Service.

The Safer Peterborough partnership is also focusing on tacking issues in the central and east ward areas of the city where there has been an increase of violent crime offences.