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Project aims

Our project aims are to: 

  • Create an attractive destination for residents, visitors and shoppers
  • Encourage more people in the area to walk and cycle
  • Help boost local business
  • Encourage more of a cafe culture approach

Cafes, restaurants and shops could extend their business outside and make the most of the improved, additional space during the spring and summer.


The scheme will include:

  • New widened pavements on either side of the road
  • New pedestrian crossing at the Lincoln Road/Alma Road junction
  • New electric vehicle charging points
  • New bins
  • New cycle parking
  • New benches

The project is currently in the detailed design stage. A computer generated visual of the chosen flooring finish can be found below, alongside the proposed product specification. Following a recent parking survey, you can also find details of confirmed changes to parking configuration and management.

The map shows the area of Lincoln Road in Peterborough between Searjeant Street and Alma Road.

The improvements for option one displayed on the map include:

  • New footway paving on the section of Lincoln Road between Searjeant Street and Alma Road
  • New landscaped area on both sides of the pavement to the north and south of the section of road
  • New cycle stands, benches and bins at various locations along the road
  • Removal of one parking space outside The Blue Shop to make way for a zebra crossing across the road between The Blue Shop and Kubmus Market
  • Four parking spaces located outside of Stagecoach Peterborough Citi, two less than existing layout
  • Three parking spaces located outside of Peterborough Fish and Grocery Shop, Sam's Chicken Peterborough and Sue Ryder - retained as per existing layout
  • 15 parking spaces located outside of Top Table, Europoli Supermarket, Merkur Slots and Aphrodite Holistic Therapy Clinic - retained as per existing layout
  • Three parking spaces located outside of International Food Centre - retained as per existing layout
Flooring Product Specification3.23MBpdf
Size: 3.23MBFile format: pdf
Flooring Finish Visual37KBpdf
Size: 37KBFile format: pdf

Following a recent parking survey, the below changes to parking configuration and management on this stretch of Lincoln Road have now been confirmed, and will come into effect following completion of the scheme.

Parking configuration

Current provision

Proposed provision

5 accessible bays

5 accessible bays

19 standard bays

20 standard bays

1 loading bay

1 loading bay

2 electric vehicle bays

Parking Management

Current restrictions

Proposed restrictions

20 minutes free parking

30 minutes free parking (pay and display)

Please note: tickets would need to be printed from the machine

Loading bays (24 hours)

Loading bays (24 hours)

Accessible bays (8am-6pm)

Accessible bays (24 hours but maximum time periods apply)

Electric vehicle bays (3 hours permitted. 4 hours no return enforced)

Pay and display spaces

8am-8pm. Free after 8pm

Between 8am and 8pm. 30 minutes free, £1 for one hour, maximum of £2.50 for 2 hours

There is a known issue along Lincoln Road where vehicles cross the Highway to park on pavements or property frontages. During the public consultation, we received a lot of feedback regarding vehicles blocking the pavement areas and making them inaccessible for members of the public. The act of crossing the Highway is illegal and can be enforced by the Police. It is also a safety concern and in addition to possible enforcement action, street furniture will be put in place to prevent this in the future. 

Project status

A public consultation took place between 11 July and 08 August 2022 regarding potential improvement options. The scheme design is nearing completion and a number of engagement activities have taken place with the local community which have informed the design.


Total funding for this project is £3.4m. We have secured £2.5m from the Government’s Towns Fund. Additional funding will come from council budget and other sources.


The Towns Fund Board and the Place and Economy Department Management Team have given approval to proceed.

Contact us


Published: 08 January 2025