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View roadworks on a map

You can view details of upcoming roadworks in and around Peterborough on the One Network map system.

The map will tell you:

  • Location of the roadworks
  • Dates, times and duration of roadworks
  • The organisation responsible for the roadworks - e.g. Peterborough City Council, Cambridgeshire County Council, National Highways, Anglian Water, Cadent Gas, BT etc
  • A description of the work taking place
  • Traffic management arrangements - e.g. diversion, road closure, temporary traffic lights
  • Whether the pavement / footway alongside the roadworks is closed
  • Status updates

Follow us on social media

You can also follow us on Facebook, Instagram and X for the latest roadwork information.

Please note we only publish our own roadworks on our social media accounts. We don't publish details of roadworks undertaken by other organisations and authorities. You can view those via the map link above.