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About Moving Traffic Enforcement

The Secretary of State has granted Peterborough City Council powers in relation to The Civil Enforcement of Moving Traffic Designation Order 2023 and in accordance with paragraph 10 of schedule 8 of the Traffic Management Act 2004. These new powers officially came into force on 22 July 2023.

The Designation Order enables Peterborough City Council to carry out civil enforcement of moving traffic contraventions to correspond with the area where Peterborough City Council has been designated as a permitted parking area and as a special parking area by the Road Traffic (Permitted Parking Area and Special Parking Area) (City of Peterborough) Order 2003 as it had effect immediately before the relevant date.

Prior to applying for these powers, we undertook a six week public consultation. Visit our consultation section to find the details of our Moving Traffic Enforcement 2022 consultation.

The restrictions included

We can now enforce moving traffic offences previously only enforceable by the police in areas of England that are outside of London. 

The types of contraventions that we can now enforce include failure to obey the types of restrictions and signs as detailed in our factsheet.


Our CCTV enforcement cameras (known as approved devices) capture contraventions. The Vehicle Certification Agency (VCA) has certified our cameras for use as moving traffic enforcement cameras.

Warning signs will be in place on street in locations where enforcement is taking place. Trained and qualified Civil Enforcement Officers will review the footage from these cameras. Where a contravention is confirmed, we will request details of the registered keeper from the Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency (DVLA).

During the first six months of enforcement at any new site, we will issue warning notices on the first occasion. After this, we will issue a Penalty Charge Notice (PCN) for any further contraventions. After enforcement has taken place at a site for six months, we will issue PCNs on the first and every subsequent occasion.

PCNs for moving traffic contraventions will be £70. This is discounted to £35 if paid within the discount period.

How to pay or challenge a Penalty Charge Notice (PCN) relating to moving traffic enforcement

How to pay

How to pay your Penalty Charge Notice (PCN):

How to challenge

If you wish to challenge your PCN, do not pay it. It is not possible to challenge a PCN after you have paid it.

Parking Services
PO Box 1077

When submitting a challenge, please provide us with the following information in all correspondence to prevent any delays:

  • Your reasons for the challenge
  • Any supporting evidence
  • The Penalty Charge Notice (PCN) number
  • Vehicle registration
  • Your name and contact address

You can find further information on challenging Penalty Charge Notices (PCNs) on the Traffic Penalty Tribunal website.

Locations subject to enforcement

The locations below are either subject to enforcement from 5 February 2024, or enforcement is planned at a future date.

Click on a location below to find out further information about that enforcement site.

How we select new locations

We have only considered enforcement schemes at the above six locations.

In future, we will only consider additional enforcement sites if there is evidence that a significant compliance issue exists that cannot be solved by any other means. For example:

  • A safety issue
  • A problem with traffic flow
  • A detrimental impact on the surrounding area

Any new enforcement location would be subject to a six week public consultation and possibly a traffic survey to determine the level of non-compliance. Any new location would also be subject to sufficient funds being available to implement it.

Published: 16 January 2025