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Peterborough Cycle Forum works in partnership with Peterborough City Council to secure, maintain and enhance facilities for cyclists of all ages, backgrounds and abilities.

What is the Peterborough Cycle Forum?

The Peterborough Cycle Forum promotes cycling in Peterborough both as an environmentally friendly viable daily transport option and as a leisure or sporting activity. We work together to encourage more people to take up cycling in the city by working on council policies, strategies and plans that look at:

  • Spending decisions that impact cyclists
  • Existing cycle infrastructure
  • Future developments of on and off road cycling facilities

How does the Peterborough Cycle Forum work?

The Peterborough Cycle Forum is chaired by the Council’s Active Travel Champion, Cllr Heather Skibsted. It aims to meet at least four times a year.

How can I attend the Peterborough Cycle Forum?

If you would like to attend a future meeting or submit a comment on an agenda item, please email

When is the next Peterborough Cycle Forum?

The next meeting is on Wednesday 12 March at 7.30pm – 9.00pm at Sand Martin House.

Where to go: Sand Martin House, Bittern Way, Peterborough, Cambridgeshire, PE2 8TY

Terms of reference

To promote all forms of cycling both as a transport option and as a healthy, enjoyable leisure or sporting activity for people of all ages, backgrounds and abilities.

To increase the number of people cycling by commenting on and influencing council policies, strategies and plans. Including spending decisions that impact upon cyclists and existing cycle infrastructure, as well as the future development of on and off road cycling facilities.

  • Peterborough City Council’s Cycling Champion.
  • Elected members from any of the relevant Councils – ideally cabinet members with responsibility for transport, environment and health.
  • Any council officers with remits pertaining to transport, environment and health.
  • Representatives from local and national organisations, including: Cambridgeshire Constabulary, local cycling clubs, local cycle retailers, Cycling UK, Peterborough Civic Society, Peterborough Environment City Trust and Sustrans.
  • Any cyclist or person interested in cycling may also be invited to join the Forum.

  • Provide a channel for communication between cyclists and the council.
  • Promote safe and responsible cycling.
  • Consider, discuss and comment upon cycling initiatives contained within the Local Transport Plan and any other relevant council strategy.
  • Suggest new projects, schemes and initiatives that promote cycling.
  • Advise on, look at and comment upon the detail of current and future schemes involving or affecting cycling, at the earliest stage possible.
  • Engage in day-to-day detail regarding cycling in Peterborough, including reporting issues, problems, dangers and shortcomings as well as celebrating successes.
  • Challenge the council, the Cycling Champion, its members and officers, to take due consideration of cycling.
  • Publicise the activities, decisions and recommendations of the forum via relevant press and (social) media.

The Peterborough Cycle Forum is a local authority body. We will assist with the running of the Forum and ensure that appropriate Officers and Members attend Forum meetings. The Forum will fill the position of the Chairperson from an organisation outside of the local authority.

The Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson and other officers as may be needed shall be appointed annually at an annual meeting.

The Peterborough City Council Cycling Champion will act as an advocate and spokesperson for cycling across Peterborough. Their main responsibility being to encourage communication and positive action.

The Cycling Champion will be an elected councillor and will be appointed annually. The Cycling Champion will:

• Ensure that cycling is given due prominence in the preparation of all relevant local authority strategies and planning policies.

• Promote Peterborough’s interest in external discussions involving cycling provision.

• Ensure that the City Council pays due regard to a high quality cycling provision in all its planning functions. This will include the promotion of positive, proactive cycling planning and best practice cycle friendly design through the development control process.

• Ensure the Forum is involved in the decision making process for all schemes, which involve cycling from the earliest opportunity.

• Ensure that the provision of cycling expertise within the Peterborough City Council is adequately resourced to enable continued input to cycling initiatives.

The Forum shall meet at least four times per annum, but shall also meet at discretionary times for extraordinary meetings. For example, to consider a specific planning issue, a rapidly progressing scheme, or to make a site visit.

• Treat each other with courtesy and respect and demonstrate honesty and discretion in matters relating to the Forum.

• Accept that all members of the Forum have equal status and that our main concern is the welfare of all cyclists in Peterborough.

• Work as a team.

• Work to develop effective working relationships with Peterborough City Council, cyclists, non-cyclists and all relevant organisations.

• Involve ourselves actively in the work of the Forum and accept a fair share of the responsibilities, including service on committees and working groups.

• Regularly attend meetings of the Forum and working groups and express our views openly within meetings.

Published: 19 February 2025