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Policy objectives

To comply with the requirements of the Public Health (Control of Disease) Act 1984, Section 46, in a sympathetic manner, we will make appropriate funeral arrangements where it appears that no other person is willing or able to make the necessary arrangements, and, where possible, to recover funeral expenses from monies available from the deceased’s estate.

Policy statement

Under the provisions of the Public Health (Control of Disease) Act, Section 46, Peterborough City Council, as a Unitary Authority, has a duty to dispose of the body of any person dying within their administrative district, in any case where it appears to the authority that no suitable funeral arrangements have been or are being made otherwise than by the Authority.

The responsibility for this service lies within the Corporate Services directorate and is conducted by Bereavement Services, located at:

Peterborough Crematorium
Mowbray Road

Telephone number - 01733 262 639

The Council will normally act on information received from the Coroner’s Officer, City Hospital administration (Emergency Department), managers of residential homes, sheltered schemes and families, and will take the following action:

  • Investigate who is the appropriate person to be making the funeral arrangements by visiting the residence of the deceased to search for a last Will and Testament or any documents that will indicate the existence of any relatives, to assist with locating and contacting the appropriate person. The officers will also search to ascertain the value of recoverable assets.

  • If it is agreed that the Authority is to make the necessary arrangements, the appointed officer, being the “person causing disposal of the body”, will register the death with the Registrar of Births, Deaths and Marriages.

  • If it is agreed that the Local Authority are to take responsibility for the necessary arrangements, the authority will arrange a dignified and respectful funeral service.

  • The Authority will usually request cremation unless the deceased would have been opposed to cremation, in which case suitable arrangements for burial will be made. In either case an appropriate religious, or non-religious, ceremony will be arranged.

  • The Authority will seek to recover all their costs relating to the funeral arrangements and associated expenses either by contacting financial institutions or referring the case to the Treasury Solicitor when appropriate.

Further information