The Localism Act 2011 introduced the concept of neighbourhood plans and neighbourhood orders, which are statutory plans that may be prepared by a parish council or recognised neighbourhood forum for a neighbourhood area.
Neighbourhood plans and orders are optional. There is no statutory requirement for a plan or order to be prepared for any area.
Neighbourhood planning in Peterborough
A summary of the steps involved in preparing a neighbourhood plan (or order) can be found in the Peterborough Statement of Community Involvement, linked below.
If you are preparing a neighbourhood plan, or thinking of preparing one, our Frequently Asked Questions below may be of interest. Please contact the Planning Policy Team by email planningpolicy@peterborough.g
Applications to designate neighbourhood areas
Newborough and Borough Fen have recently applied to designate the whole parish of Newborough and Borough Fen. This enables Newborough and Borough Fen Parish Council to proceed with the preparation of a neighbourhood development plan or neighbourhood development order, or both, for the neighbourhood area.
Eye Parish Council has recently applied to designate the whole parish of Eye. This enables Eye Parish Council to proceed with the preparation of a neighbourhood development plan or neighbourhood development order, or both, for the neighbourhood area.
Sutton Parish Council has recently applied to designate the whole parish of Sutton. This enables Sutton Parish Council to proceed with the preparation of a neighbourhood development plan or neighbourhood development order, or both, for the neighbourhood area.
View the applications to designate neighbourhood areas (opens Microsoft Sharepoint folder).
Applications to designate neighbourhood forums
There are no applications to designate neighbourhood forums in the Peterborough area currently.
Designated neighbourhood areas and forums
Designated neighbourhood areas
There are 14 designated neighbourhood areas in the Peterborough area. This map shows all designated areas and details of each designation can be found in the list below.
Designated neighbourhood forums
There is one designated neighbourhood forum in the Peterborough area currently. You can find details of the designated neighbourhood forum via the link below.
Emerging Neighbourhood Plans
The are no current emerging Neighbourhood Plans.
Submitted Neighbourhood Plans
The are no current submitted Neighbourhood Plans.
Adopted Neighbourhood Plans
PDF versions of the neighbourhood plans adopted in Peterborough can be found below. Hard copies of the adopted Neighbourhood Plans are only available to view by appointment. All viewings will be at Sand Martin House, Peterborough. Please contact or 01733 863881 to arrange an appointment.
Werrington Neighbourhood Plan
Werrington Neighbourhood Area Forum submitted their Neighbourhood Plan to Peterborough City Council in July 2024. Peterborough City Council ran the 'Regulation 16' consultation on the Werrington Neighbourhood Plan from ran from 26 July 2024 to 6 September 2024.
Following the consultation, Peterborough City Council appointed an independent examiner- David Kaiserman BA DipTP MRTPI- to examine the neighbourhood plan. The Examiner's role was to examine the submitted neighbourhood plan and consider whether it meets the 'basic conditions', as required by The Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012 (para 15(1)(d)), as set out in paragraph 8 ((2)(a) to (g)) of Schedule 4B of the Town and Country Planning Act.
The Examiner's Final Report concluded with the recommendation that the Werrington Neighbourhood Plan proceed to referendum, subject to certain modifications being made to the plan.
Peterborough City Council considered the Examiner's Report and agreed with the recommendation made. Full details of the Council's decision, as well as details of the modifications, are set out in the Decision Statement below.
The referendum on the Werrington Neighbourhood Plan was held on Thursday 6 February 2025. The majority of those that voted, have voted for Peterborough City Council using the Werrington Neighbourhood Plan to help it decide planning applications in the neighbourhood area. With almost 93% of voters voting in favour of the plan.
The Werrington Neighbourhood Plan is now part of the statutory development plan for Peterborough, and will be used (alongside local and national policy) to determine planning applications in the Werrington neighbourhood area.
The neighbourhood plan was formally adopted by Peterborough City Council at a Full Council meeting on 19 March 2025.
The neighbourhood plan and supporting documents can be viewed below.
Helpston Parish Council submitted their Neighbourhood Plan to Peterborough City Council in December 2021. Peterborough City Council ran the 'Regulation 16' consultation on the Helpston Neighbourhood Plan from Friday 17 December 2021 to Tuesday 15 February 2022.
Following the consultation, Peterborough City Council appointed an independent examiner- David Kaiserman BA DipTP MRTPI - to examine the neighbourhood plan. The Examiner's role was to examine the submitted neighbourhood plan and consider whether it meets the 'basic conditions', as required by The Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012 (para 15(1)(d)), as set out in paragraph 8 ((2)(a) to (g)) of Schedule 4B of the Town and Country Planning Act.
The Examiner's Final Report concluded with the recommendation that the Helpston Neighbourhood Plan proceed to referendum, subject to certain modifications being made to the plan.
Peterborough City Council considered the Examiner's Report and agreed with the recommendation made. Full details of the Council's decision, as well as details of the modifications, are set out in the Decision Statement below (document 13).
The referendum on the Helpston Neighbourhood Plan was held on Thursday 15 September 2022. The result of the Referendum was a majority vote in favour of the Helpston Neighbourhood Plan.
Following the successful referendum result, the Helpston Neighbourhood Plan was formally 'made' ((brought into legal force) at a Full Council meeting on 7 December 2022.
The Helpston Neighbourhood Plan is now part of the statutory development plan for Peterborough, and will be used (alongside local and national policy) to determine planning applications in the Helpston neighbourhood area.
View the Helpston Neighbourhood Plan and supporting documents below:
Barnack Parish Council formally submitted the Barnack Neighbourhood Plan to Peterborough City Council in December 2020 following completion of their ‘Regulation 14’ consultation on the draft plan.
Peterborough City Council held a 6 week consultation on the submitted plan between 22 January 2021 and 5 March 2021, the 'Regulation 16 Consultation'.
Following the consultation, Peterborough City Council appointed an independent examiner- David Kaiserman BA DipTP MRTPI- to examine the neighbourhood plan. The Examiner's role was to examine the submitted neighbourhood plan and consider whether it meets the 'basic conditions', as required by The Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012 (para 15(1)(d)), as set out in paragraph 8 ((2)(a) to (g)) of Schedule 4B of the Town and Country Planning Act.
The Examiner's Final Report concluded with the recommendation that the Barnack Neighbourhood Plan proceed to referendum, subject to certain modifications being made to the plan (see document 9 below).
Peterborough City Council considered the Examiner's Report and agreed with the recommendation made. The Barnack Neighbourhood Plan therefore proceeded to referendum.
The referendum took place on 1 July 2021: the referendum documents can be viewed below (documents 11 to 14). Document 11 is the 'Referendum' Version of the Barnack Neighbourhood Plan (this version incorporates all the modifications outlined in the Examiner's Report).
The result of the 1 July 2021 Referendum was a majority vote in favour of the Barnack Neighbourhood Plan: please refer to the document 'Barnack NP Referendum: Declaration of Result' (document 15) below for full details.
The Barnack Neighbourhood Plan was formally 'made' at a meeting of the Full Council (28 July 2021), and will be used (alongside local and national policy) to determine planning applications in the Barnack neighbourhood area.
Glinton Parish Council submitted their Neighbourhood Plan to Peterborough City Council in June 2020. Peterborough City Council ran the 'Regulation 16' consultation on the Glinton Neighbourhood Plan from Friday 7 August 2020 to Friday 2 October 2020. We received several responses to the consultation: details of all the responses can be found in document '8_Glinton NP Reg 16 Consultation Responses' below.
Following the consultation, Peterborough City Council appointed an independent examiner- David Kaiserman BA DipTP MRTPI- to examine the neighbourhood plan. The Examiner's role was to examine the submitted neighbourhood plan and consider whether it meets the 'basic conditions', as required by The Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012 (para 15(1)(d)), as set out in paragraph 8 ((2)(a) to (g)) of Schedule 4B of the Town and Country Planning Act.
The Examiner's Final Report concluded with the recommendation that the Glinton Neighbourhood Plan proceed to referendum, subject to certain modifications being made to the plan (see document 9 below).
Peterborough City Council considered the Examiner's Report and agreed with the recommendation made. Full details of the Council's decision, as well as details of the modifications, are set out in the Decision Statement below (document 10).
The referendum on the Glinton Neighbourhood Plan was held on 6 May 2021: document 11 below is the 'Referendum' Version of the Glinton Neighbourhood Plan (this version incorporates all the modifications outlined in the Examiner's Report). Documents 12, 13 and 14 are the Referendum Notice, Information Statement, and General Information Statement respectively, relating to the referendum.
The result of the May 6 2021 Referendum was a majority vote in favour of the Glinton Neighbourhood Plan: please refer to the document 'Glinton NP Referendum: Declaration of Result' (document 15) below for full details.
Following the successful referendum result, the Glinton Neighbourhood Plan was formally 'made' at a Full Council meeting (28 July 2021).
The Glinton Neighbourhood Plan is now part of the statutory development plan for Peterborough, and will be used (alongside local and national policy) to determine planning applications in the Glinton neighbourhood area. The adopted Glinton Neighbourhood Plan is document '16' below.
The Ailsworth Neighbourhood Plan was submitted to Peterborough City Council in April 2017. It underwent the Regulation 16 'Publication' Consultation for six weeks between 15 May and 26 June 2017.
Following this consultation, the Ailsworth Neighbourhood Plan was the subject of an Independent Examination. David Kaiserman BA DipTP MRTPI was appointed to undertake this examination. The neighbourhood plan, supporting documents and all comments received during the consultation were sent to the examiner for due consideration.
The examiner provided his report which concludes that the neighbourhood plan meets the basic conditions, subject to some minor amendments. This report is available to download below. Peterborough City Council agrees with this conclusion and has now published its formal decision statement.
The neighbourhood plan was subject to a local referendum on Thursday 2 November 2017, at which the Ailsworth Neighbourhood Plan was supported by 97.7% of those voting. It will now will be 'made' (brought into legal force) and forms part of the Development Plan for Peterborough City Council and will be used in making decisions on relevant planning applications.
The neighbourhood plan was formally adopted by Peterborough City Council at its meeting on 13 December 2017.
The neighbourhood plan and supporting documents can be viewed below.
Please note: the joint Castor and Ailsworth Neighbourhood Plan website is now closed. To view other related evidence, please contact the parish council.
The Castor Neighbourhood Plan was submitted to Peterborough City Council in April 2017. It underwent the Regulation 16 'Publication' Consultation for six weeks between 15 May and 26 June 2017.
Following this consultation, the Castor Neighbourhood Plan was the subject of an Independent Examination. David Kaiserman BA DipTP MRTPI was appointed to undertake this examination. The neighbourhood plan, supporting documents and all comments received during the consultation were sent to the examiner for due consideration.
The examiner provided his report which concludes that the neighbourhood plan meets the basic conditions, subject to some minor amendments. This report is available to download below. Peterborough City Council agrees with this conclusion and has now published its formal decision statement.
The neighbourhood plan was subject to a local referendum on Thursday 2 November 2017, at which the Castor Neighbourhood Plan was supported by 92.7% of those voting. It will now will be ‘made’ (brought into legal force) and forms part of the Development Plan for Peterborough City Council and will be used in making decisions on relevant planning applications.
The neighbourhood plan was formally adopted by Peterborough City Council at its meeting on 13 December 2017.
The neighbourhood plan and supporting documents can be viewed below.
Please note: the joint Castor and Ailsworth Neighbourhood Plan website is now closed. To view other related evidence, please contact the parish council.
The Peakirk Neighbourhood Plan was submitted to Peterborough City Council in December 2016. It underwent the Regulation 16 'Publication' Consultation for six weeks between 23 January and 6 March 2017.
Following this consultation, the Peakirk Neighbourhood Plan, supporting documents and all comments received during the consultation were subject to an Independent Examination. David Kaiserman BA DipTP MRTPI undertook this examination and he concluded that the neighbourhood plan meets the basic conditions, subject to some minor amendments. Peterborough City Council agrees with this conclusion and has published its formal decision statement.
Following this decision, the Peakirk Neighbourhood Plan was subject to a local referendum on Thursday 6 July 2017. In this referendum 91.6% of those voting supported the plan being adopted and used in making planning decisions in the Peakirk Neighbourhood Area.
As a result, the Peakirk Neighbourhood Plan was adopted by Peterborough City Council at its meeting of Council on 26 July 2017 and it now forms part of the Development Plan for Peterborough.
The Neighbourhood Plan, Decision Statement and supporting documents can also be viewed below.