The Local Plan Review 2024-44 is proposed to replace the current Local Plan adopted in 2019. The Local Plan is an important document as it will determine what Peterborough and the surrounding villages will look like in the future. It provides a vision on how our city can become an even better place to live, work and visit.
The Local Plan Review will address a range of issues that include (but not limited to):
- Climate change
- Housing
- Employment
- Retail
- Natural environment

Local Plan update March 2025
On 28 February 2025, we approved an update Local Development Scheme (opens PDF in Microsoft Sharepoint). This sets out the timetable and all the consultation stages involved in the preparation of a new Local Plan for Peterborough. In line with the timetable, public consultation on the Draft Local Plan will take place in April and May 2025.
Issues and Options consultation
We consulted on the 'Issues and Options Consultation Document' in summer 2023.
In November 2023, we published:
- A Key Issues Report, summarising representations made on the Issues and Options Document. You can view all the responses we received in our Planning Policy Library (opens Microsoft Sharepoint).
We also held a Call for Sites exercise in summer 2023. This sought suggestions for sites proposed for allocated local green spaces and suggestions for changes to the village boundaries during the Issues and Options consultation. In November 2023, we published:
- A Strategic Housing, Economic Land Availability Assessment (SHELAA) which lists all sites suggested as part of the public consultation
- An interactive map showing sites submitted through the Call for Sites exercise, alongside basic site information - you can zoom in and move around the map to located sites. Clicking on a site or other designation will reveal a pop-up providing further information.
Please note: The sites identified in the SHELAA document and shown on the interactive map are not in any way 'approved' or supported by the council. They are merely a collection of sites submitted to us as part of the Call for Sites exercise. At this stage, we have not carried out any assessments or made any decisions.
In autumn 2024, we carried out an additional call for sites. A total of 14 sites were submitted. Of these, nine were completely new sites not submitted previously.
View the sites submitted during the 2024 Call for Sites on our interactive map system.
We are fully assessing all sites against the detailed site selection methodology. Following this detailed site assessment process, we will include the preferred sites in the Draft Local Plan. We will publish an evidence report alongside the Draft Local Plan that will identify all sites suggested to us. The report will include a full reason and justification for the proposed selection of a site or not.
We also published:
- A Suggested Local Green Space Designations report setting out sites suggested for designation as Local Green Spaces
- An interactive map showing sites submitted for consideration as Local Green Spaces

Next stages
We provide monthly updates detailing our progress against the Local Development Scheme which you can find alongside the Local Development Scheme (LDS) (opens Microsoft Sharepoint).
In line with our timetable, public consultation on the Draft Local Plan will take place in April and May 2025.
Sustainability Appraisal Scoping Report
The Sustainability Appraisal Scoping Report sets out the proposed methodology and framework that includes objectives and indicators to measure progress against. This methodology and framework will then be used for the Sustainability Appraisal of the Local Plan.
Consultee database
If you wish to receive notifications of consultations and progress of the Local Plan preparation, please let us know.
Local Plan Review - document library
As preparation of the new plan progresses, we will update the contents of the library with new documents as we produce them. The Planning Policy Library (opens Microsoft Sharepoint) contains all the Local Plan Review documents, along with relevant evidence and other documents that support the plan.