Apply for Building Regulations approval
To make an application you will need to register an account on the planning portal website and then create your application and upload any documentation and make the required payments. Your application will be sent to us if the building is within Peterborough area.
You can apply online for Full plans, Building Notice or Regularisation (retrospective). These are explained in more detail on the planning portal. You may also be interested in our Building Regulations approval fees page.
I am unable to apply on the planning portal
If you need further assistance you can contact our office by emailing or calling 01733 453422. We may also be able to provide alternative hard copy forms and alternative payment methods.
For general information relating to the Building Regulations, please visit:
Data Protection Act 2018
Peterborough City Council is registered under the Data Protection Act 2018 for the purpose of processing personal data in the performance of its legitimate business.
Any information held by the council will be processed in compliance with the eight principles of the Act. Further information relating to your rights under the Data Protection Act can be sent to you on request.