While decisions about budget and policy are taken by our elected councillors, there is a permanent team of council staff who implement these decisions and run services. They are known as directors. Each director is responsible for a particular set of services that we provide.
Matt Gladstone - Chief Executive

Matt Gladstone is the Chief Executive of Peterborough City Council. He started in the role in January 2022.
The Chief Executive is the principal policy adviser to the 60 city councillors and the statutory Head of Paid Service accountable for the council's £469m budget as well as the work of 2,535 employees across the council and Peterborough schools who deliver a wide range of services to the community.
The role of Chief Executive is an appointment which requires the approval of the Full Council following the recommendation of a candidate for the role by the cross-party Employment Committee.
The Chief Executive is unable to undertake other paid employment and is required to devote their service to the council. This means that the Chief Executive is expected to work such hours as are necessary to ensure the job gets done. This routinely involves working evenings and weekends as well as the standard Monday to Friday business week.
The post-holder is ‘on call’ at all other times, particularly to cover civil contingency and emergency management requirements. No extra payments are made for such extended hours.
Matt is also the appointed Returning Officer for national and local elections for which he receives the appropriate fees.
Stephen Taylor - Executive Director of Adult Social Care
Stephen joined Peterborough City Council in June 2023. He is responsible for:
- Adult social care
- Older people
- Autism and learning disabilities
- Physical and sensory impairment
- Mental health
- Integration with NHS
- Carers
Email: Stephen.Taylor@peterborough.gov.uk
Phone: 01733 863 655

John Gregg - Executive Director of Children's Services
John joined Peterborough City Council in June 2023 as Executive Director of Children's Services. He is responsible for:
- Education
- Children's social care
- Commissioning children and family services
- Children's social care and support improvement services
Email: John.Gregg@peterborough.gov.uk
Phone: 01733 863 655

Cecilie Booth - Executive Director of Corporate Services and Section 151 Officer
Cecilie joined Peterborough City Council in January 2022. She is responsible for a range of services, including:
- Communications
- Finance
- Internal Audit
- IT
- Human Resources
- Procurement
- Property
- Serco Services (Revenues and Benefits)
Cecilie is also our Section 151 Officer, also known as the Chief Finance Officer. This role has overall responsibility for the council's finances.
Email: Cecilie.Booth@peterborough.gov.uk
Phone: 01733 452 520

Neil McArthur - Director of Legal and Governance and Monitoring Officer
Neil is our Director of Legal and Governance and Monitoring Officer.
It is the role of the Monitoring Officer to:
- Report on matters they believe to be illegal or amount to maladministration
- Be responsible for matters relating to the conduct of councillors and officers
- Be responsible for the operation of the council's constitution
Neil is also responsible for legal and governance services including:
- Electoral Services
- Democratic and Constitutional Services
- Information Governance

Adrian Chapman - Executive Director of Place and Economy
Adrian has worked for Peterborough City Council since 2006. During that time, he has held a number of different roles, mostly focused on neighbourhood services and the council's relationship with its communities.
As Executive Director of Place and Economy, Adrian is responsible for:
- Growth and regeneration - including planning, building control and adult skills
- Housing and communities - including housing needs, culture and leisure, the city centre, neighbourhoods, CCTV, domestic abuse and sexual violence, and resilience services to make sure the council is prepared for emergency situations
- Infrastructure and environment - including highways and transport, trading standards, licensing, environment, climate change, waste and recycling, and the council's social enterprise Westcombe Engineering
Email: Adrian.Chapman@peterborough.gov.uk
Phone: 01733 863 887

Mike Robinson - Interim Director of Public Health
Mike joined Peterborough City Council in June 2024 as the Interim Director of Public Health, pending the recruitment to the permanent post.
He is responsible for:
- Health protection - working to ensure people are protected from poor health
- Health improvement - working to improve people's health and extend life expectancy
- Healthcare - working to support people with their healthcare needs
- Health intelligence - using data to inform the work that we do and to achieve our public health goals for the benefit of residents
Mandy Pullen - Director of People Services, Business Intelligence and Transformation
Mandy has worked for Peterborough City Council since 2008 in various Human Resources roles before expanding her responsibilities. She has been the Director of People Services, Business Intelligence and Transformation since December 2023.
She is responsible for:
- People services
- Workforce development
- Workforce planning
- Recruitment and reward
- Staff wellbeing
- Business intelligence
- Corporate transformation
Email: Mandy.Pullen@peterborough.gov.uk
Phone: 07483 975 362

Amanda Rose - Head of Communications
Amanda has worked for Peterborough City Council since 2008 in various communications roles. She has been Head of Communications since December 2022.
She is responsible for:
- Press office and proactive media
- Social media
- Campaigns
- Internal communications
- Website and digital
- Design and print
Email: Amanda.Rose@peterborough.gov.uk
Phone: 07572 463 889