A petition can be created by any person who lives, works or studies in Peterborough. You can submit a new petition, or browse and sign existing ePetitions, through our ePetitions system. It is also possible to submit a paper petition, either by sending it to the council using the contact details below, or submitting it to one of the council meetings.
You can only sign a petition once, the list of signatories will be checked and any duplicate or obviously frivolous responses will be removed.
Find out more about our Petition Scheme by reading the Part 5 Section 9 - Petition Scheme document.
Please note: there is a separate petition scheme for issues regarding verge parking.
Paper petitions
Our paper petitions listing allows you to view previous petitions which have been submitted to us.
To submit an ePetition you will need to register, registration is a simple process that just requires you to provide us with a few details in case we need to contact you about the ePetition.
To sign an ePetition you will need to provide a few basic details, including a valid email and postal address, to enable us to verify the ‘signatures’ collected are genuine.
Submit an ePetition or browse other ePetitions
When an ePetition reaches its closing date it will no longer be available to sign online. The list of signatories will be collated by Democratic Services and the lead petitioner will be contacted regarding the submission of the completed ePetition.
Once the ePetition has been submitted it will be referred to an appropriate council officer for consideration and will be dealt with in accordance with our Petitions Scheme.
Promoting your ePetition
Whilst we will host ePetitions on our website, we will not generally promote individual ePetitions. It is down to the lead petitioner to spread the word about their ePetition in order to get as many people as possible to sign up.
Privacy policy
The details you give us are needed to validate your support for a petition but will not be published on the website. This is the same information which is required for a paper petition. On the completion of an e-petition, your details will be passed on to the principal petitioner. The Council may contact you in relation to any petitions you have signed, unless you have requested not to be contacted when signing the e-petition.