We are committed to listening to the views of our residents to improve the services we provide.
Our complaints and feedback process allows you to voice your concerns about our services or to let us know when we have done something well.
Send us positive feedback about a service or staff member
We share any positive feedback or compliments received with the appropriate manager to share with their staff member(s) or service.
Complain about a service
We define a complaint as an expression of dissatisfaction by a member of the public about a council action or service. You may feel dissatisfied because you feel we have:
- Failed to provide a service
- Not provided a service to an acceptable standard
- Delayed in providing a service
- Made a mistake in the way we provided a service or made a decision
- Given incorrect or misleading information
- Been rude, unhelpful or demonstrated inappropriate behaviour
- Provided poor or inadequate facilities
- Failed to act in accordance with the law or our own policies
- Provided a biased and / or unfair service
Make a complaint
If you wish to make a complaint, please complete our online form below.
Please note it may take up to 10 working days for you to receive an initial contact from us about your complaint.
If you believe your matter is urgent, and cannot wait that long, please contact Customer Services.
Services / areas with separate complaints processes
- Complain about a councillor
- Complain about Children's Social Care
- Complain about Adult Social Care
- School complaints - contact the school directly
- Data protection breaches - email dataprotection@peterborough.gov.uk
- Compensation claims (see below)
Complaints policy
We have two policies about how we handle complaints:
Escalate your complaint
As detailed in our complaints policy, our complaints process consists of two stages.
- Stage One - a service manager (or other appropriate person) with knowledge of the service you have complained about investigates your complaint
- Stage Two - following on from Stage One, if you are unhappy with the response to your complaint, you can request a review of your complaint by a manager who is independent of the service your complaint is about
If you are still unhappy with our response and you have exhausted our complaints process, you can refer your complaint to the Ombudsman.
The Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman
The Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman investigates complaints about councils. It is independent of the council and has similar powers to a High Court Judge. It can investigate a complaint, order the disclosure of documents, or make findings of ‘maladministration'.
The Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman will usually only consider a complaint after it has been through our Complaints Procedure and you are still dissatisfied.
Visit the Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman website.