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If you are worried about a child please read more information online and get in touch.

Please note: that the Local Authority cannot respond with any outcome of the investigations. 


The Children Missing Education (CME) team ensures that Peterborough City Council fulfils its statutory responsibilities to identify children missing from education and respond accordingly. The Local Authority aims are to ensure that all children receive an education.

If you believe a child is missing from education, please email the Children Missing Education team at with details of the child. Please include date of birth, if possible, their address and any background information.

Information for professionals

Information for professionals can be found on the Learn Together website - including making a referral; current legislation; online forms to notify the local authority.

What 'missing from education' means

A child is missing from education when they are of compulsory school age of 5 to 16 years old and:

  • not registered on a school roll
  • not attending an alternate education provision

A child is not missing from education if they are:

  • being Electively Home Educated (EHE)
  • registered on a school roll and their whereabouts known, but not attending school

A child may become missing from education when:

  • they failed to start in Reception Year at a school
  • they did not transfer from one school to another. For example, when moved to / from another Local Authority area
  • they failed to transfer into a secondary or middle school
  • they have been permanently excluded from school
  • they have failed to register in a school after travelling/living overseas
  • their parent(s) are military personnel
  • they are part of a travelling community

A parent's responsibility

Your child may become missing from education, if you do not inform your child's school or the Local Authority when you:

  • Move - You need to provide a new address and/or school.
  • Emigrate - You need to provide a new address and if possible your child’s new school. Please complete the Leaving City form if you are relocating to another city, emigrating from the UK, travelling within the UK, or returning to your home country.
  • Decide to Electively Home Educate (EHE) - In the first instance discuss with your child’s school (if they are on a school roll). It would be advisable to make contact with us if your child is of statutory school age, as we can provide information, guidance and support if required.  Also by registering with us, this would prevent any confusion in relation to your child being considered a Children Missing Education. Please email for further information.
  • Privately educate - Provide your child’s last school with the name of their new school.
  • Are actively travelling for business as part of the Gypsy, Roma, Traveller community.To avoid being missing from education, you will need to provide a return date.

Leaving City form

Please complete this form if you are relocating to another city, emigrating from the UK, travelling within the UK, or returning to your home country.

CME Policy

Contact the CME team

To get in touch with the Children Missing Education team, please email