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The Information in this section is for school place applications when:

  • Transferring to secondary school (Year 7) starting in September 2025.
  • Transferring to middle school (Year 9) starting in September 2025.

We do not process any applications for sixth form or further education colleges in Peterborough.

Key dates

If you applied by 31 October 2024 for a place in Year 7 September 2025 you will find out the offered school place on 3 March 2024.

If you applied on a paper application form your outcome letter will be posted on 3 March 2025.

If you apply between 1 November 2024 and 31 March 2025 your application will be processed in April with all outcome letters posted by 25 April 2025.

We advise you visit the schools you are interested in, we have added upcoming open days below.



Arthur Mellows Village College

10 October

City of Peterborough Academy

17 September

Greater Peterborough UTC

16 September

Hampton College

25 September

Hampton Gardens School

1 October

Iqra Academy

3 October

Jack Hunt School

26 September

Ken Stimpson Academy

25 September

Manor Drive Secondary Academy

3 October

Nene Park Academy

2 October

Ormiston Bushfield Academy

24 September

The Peterborough School

28 September and 12 November

Queen Katharine Academy

19 September

St John Fisher Catholic High School

1 October

Stanground Academy

26 September

The King’s (The Cathedral) School

17 September

Thomas Deacon Academy

18 September



Arthur Mellows Village College

14 November

Greater Peterborough UTC

13 November

Hampton College

5 November

Hampton Gardens School

5 November

Jack Hunt School

14 November

Ken Stimpson Academy

23 October

Manor Drive Secondary Academy

3 October

Nene Park Academy

12 November

Ormiston Bushfield Academy

6 November

Peterborough Regional College

3 October

24 October

26 November

30 January

The Peterborough School

5 November

Queen Katharine Academy

22 October

St John Fisher Catholic High School

15 October

Stanground Academy

17 October

The King’s (The Cathedral) School

7 November

Thomas Deacon Academy

9 October

University College Peterborough

24 October

19 November

15 March (10am to 1pm)

Apply to the correct council

Check you are applying to the correct council.

You need to ensure that you apply to the Local Authority - this is where you live and pay your Council tax. If you live in Peterborough, you will apply through Peterborough City Council. This includes schools in other Local Authority areas.

If you want to apply in Peterborough and another local authority area, you only need to apply once. We share your admissions information with other Local Authorities. Then we make you an offer based on a coordinated response. To find out about schools outside of Peterborough, visit their websites or their Local authority website. You can find out about oversubscription criteria and additional requirements like taking an aptitude test. 

Transferring into year 7

If your child was born between 1 September 2013 and 31 August 2014 and lives in Peterborough, you need to apply for a Year 7 place at secondary school.

Transferring into year 9

Peterborough doesn’t have any middle or upper schools. If your child lives in Peterborough you can apply for schools outside of Peterborough. If your child is currently in middle school (Year 8), they can transfer to upper school (Year 9) in September 2025. This will be a child born between 1 September 2011 and 31 August 2012.

In-year application (moving schools)

If your child is already at secondary school and you want to move them to a different school you must apply for an in year admission on our moving schools page.



3 September

Autumn Term starts.

12 September 2024

Application process goes live. Online application facility opens via the online Parent Portal. Copies of composite prospectus are available on-line. Hard copy application forms are available on request by contacting the Admissions Team.

31 October

Closing date for all applications and SIFs (to be classed as ‘on time’)

1 November

Any applications received from this date will be clearly marked/noted as ‘late’ and dealt with accordingly i.e. not considered until after the National Offer Day as part of the second allocation round.

22 November

Final date change requests linked to change of addresses and application from UK Service Personnel will be accepted (Second Deadline).

30 November

Local Authority sends details of on-time applications to other Local Authorities where the preferred school is located out of the resident’s Local Authority area.

3 March


(usually 1 March, however as this falls on a non-working day, parents will be notified on Monday 3 March 2025).

Offer letters sent by email to parents who have made their application on-line and by Second Class Post via Royal Mail to those who made paper applications. Allocation information is published on the Local Authority website.

Parents must email the admissions team if they do not wish to take up the offered place and give details of alternative education. Parents also informed of their right of appeal against any refusal.

17 March

Reminder email and letter sent to parents who have not yet responded to the offer letter sent.

31 March

Parents submit appeal forms in order to ensure these can be heard by the 16 June (national secondary appeals deadline).

3 April

All offers for whom no response has been received from parent will be withdrawn.

w/c 21 April

Local Authority processes applications received between 1 November and 31 March (Second Round).

By 25 April

Local Authority issues offer letters by Second Class Post to those parents who applications were considered in Second Round and those on children on a waiting list where a place has become available.

w/c 19 May

Local Authority processes all late applications received between 1 April and 30 April (Third Round).

16 June

Statutory deadline by which appeals lodged by 31 March must be heard.

w/c 23 June

Local Authority processes all late applications received between 1 May and 13 June (Fourth round).

w/c 21 July

Local Authority processes all late applications received between 14 June and 18 July (Fifth round).