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Peterborough’s Children in Care, regardless of their location, deserve the best start in life. Enabling them to secure good educational outcomes is key to ensuring that their dreams and aspirations can be realised.

Peterborough Virtual School is a team of dedicated education professionals and teachers who work to support the education and improve educational outcomes for Peterborough’s looked after children and previously looked after children.

Peterborough Virtual School for children in care works strategically across the local authority and in partnership with schools and other agencies, in order to improve standards of achievement for this group of children and young people, whether they are placed in or out of Peterborough.

PVS has a focus on improving educational outcomes and accelerating learning from Early Years to the end of Year 13. This is undertaken through ensuring that all children in care have a high quality and compliant Personal Education Plan (PEP) that has challenging and meaningful targets which are aspirational and includes the support needed to enable the plan to be achieved.

Our aims

  • Support our young people to access and do well in education and training
  • Promote our young people’s need to access high quality support, which meets their needs in a timely way
  • Work closely with all those involved in providing education to ensure they understand the issues and challenges facing our young people and their role in working together to respond to and overcome them
  • Work to reduce the challenges resulting from changes of care placement or school
  • Challenge barriers to engagement and good attendance
  • Promote equality/equity and diversity.