How the Holiday Voucher Scheme works
The Holiday Voucher Scheme provides supermarket vouchers during the school holidays to families of children who are receiving:
- Income based free school meals (pupils in reception to year 11)
- Early Years Pupil Premium (ages 3 and 4 with a date of birth between 1 September 2020 and 31 December 2021)
- Funded childcare and education for 2 year olds under the income-based criteria (with date of birth between 1 January 2022 and 31 December 2022)
Post-16 students must be enrolled in further education provision funded via the Education and Skills Funding Agency (ESFA):
- Aged 16 or over but under 19 on 31 August 2024 and eligible for free school meals
- Aged 19 or over and eligible for free school meals and are continuing on a study programme they began aged 16 to 18 ('19+ continuers')
- Aged 19 or over and have an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) and are continuing on a study programme they began aged 16 to 18 ('19+ continuers')
- Aged 19 to 25 and have an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) and accesses the bursary scheme or free school meals in their college
We provide a supermarket voucher per eligible child over the school holiday for families to purchase food. You can choose from 10 different supermarkets to spend your voucher.
If your child is currently receiving one of the above support schemes, and we have your contact details on file, we will send you a voucher link automatically by email or text. You’ll also receive a letter from us via your child's school or early years provider. You do not need to apply separately for the voucher.
All previous rounds of the voucher schemes are now closed, and we are unable to reinstate any unclaimed vouchers or issue vouchers retrospectively.
February half-term holiday 2025 vouchers
If you have previously received these vouchers, you do not need to apply. If your child/ren are still eligible they will be sent automatically.
The February half-term holiday voucher has a value of £15 per child. You will receive this by email or text on Saturday 15 February 2025.
You must claim your voucher by 9:00pm on Sunday 16 March 2025. If you have never received vouchers, please read the rest of this page to find out what to do.
Any children who become eligible up to and including Sunday 23rd February 2025 will also receive vouchers if an application has been made. If you expected to receive an email or text and haven’t, please contact
It may take up to 9pm on the day the voucher is sent for it to arrive. If you have more than one eligible child, the voucher links will probably come separately.
Please wait until Sunday 16 February 2025 to contact us about any missing vouchers.
How to get supermarket vouchers if you don't already receive them
Your child may be eligible for one of the support schemes above and the vouchers if your family has a low income and you’re receiving one of the following benefits:
- Income Support
- Income-based Jobseeker’s Allowance (JSA)
- Income-related Employment and Support Allowance (ESA)
- Universal Credit
- Child Tax Credit
- Working Tax Credit
- The guaranteed element of Pension Credit / State Pension Credit
- Support under Part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999
If you believe your child may be eligible for income based free school meals, apply using our online form.
Please note Cambridgeshire County Council processes our free school meals on our behalf.
If you believe your child may be eligible for early years pupil premium, you need to apply directly to your childs pre-school, nursery or childminder. They will need to contact the voucher team with the contact detail to send the voucher if the application is successful.
If you believe your child may be eligible for funded childcare and education for 2 year olds under the income-based criteria, apply using our online form.
Where the funding for the vouchers comes from
The Department for Work and Pensions provides funding for the vouchers via the Household Support Fund.
How long is the holiday voucher scheme running?
The Department for Work and Pensions has confirmed that the Household Support Fund has been extended. We will be issuing vouchers again at Easter, May half-term and the summer holiday during 2025. Please keep an eye on this page for more details.
Frequently asked questions
Additional Support
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