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About the Holiday Activities and Food Programme

The Holiday Activities and Food (HAF) Programme offers fully funded holiday places to eligible children and young people in Peterborough.

HAF runs during the Easter (up to 4 sessions), Summer (up to 16 sessions) and Christmas (up to 4 sessions) school holidays.

The Department for Education funds the HAF Programme. It encourages children and young people to:

  • Eat healthily over the school holidays
  • Be active during the school holidays
  • Take part in engaging and enriching activities
  • Have a greater knowledge of health and nutrition
  • Be more engaged with local opportunities

Each child or young person will receive a balanced meal each day that they attend.

HAF logo

Please watch in YouTube for more accessibility options. - opens in a new tab

Eligibility for the HAF programme

HAF is available to primary and secondary school children and young people who are in receipt of benefit related free school meals.

Children and young people must live in Peterborough or attend a Peterborough school.

Serving food

HAF places for vulnerable children and young people

We are aware that there are some vulnerable children and young people who would benefit from attending HAF who are not eligible.

We have a small number of places for children and young people who meet one of the following criteria:

  • Child/young person is in care 
  • Child/young person is in Child Protection
  • Child/young person is living in a home with possible/known domestic abuse or other significant safeguarding risk
  • Child/young person is open to MASG or currently being supported by targeted support services (family worker/YP worker and this has been recommended by this service)
  • Child/young person is living in temporary accommodation

For all the criteria above, the child must live in Peterborough or attend a Peterborough school.

A professional working with the child or young person can explain why the HAF place would be beneficial by completing a referral form and submitting it to the HAF team.

To request a professionals referral form or for further information on the criteria, please contact

How to book a place on the HAF programme

The next HAF Programme will run in the Easter 2025 school holidays.

Bookings opened on Monday 10 March 2025.

  • View the list of HAF providers on the HAF Peterborough website
  • Select your preferred provider club or activity
  • Click on the 'book' button on that provider's page to book a place directly with them
  • Each eligible child can book a maximum of 4 sessions
  • Please note booking is subject to eligibility and confirmation

Please contact the HAF Team for more information by email


If your child is in Reception, Year 1 or Year 2 and normally receives Universal Infant Free School Meals, your child will not be eligible for income-related free school meals unless you make a successful claim via the Free School Meals webpage.

Annual report

Privacy notice

You can view the privacy notice for the Holiday Activities and Food (HAF) Programme on our Corporate Privacy Notice webpage.