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There are a number of ways you can pay your council tax.

Set up a Direct Debit

Setting up payment by Direct Debit is quick and easy. It allows you to choose what date of every month you would like to make payment - 1st, 8th, 15th and 25th.

Once your Direct Debit is set up, the bank will pay your instalments. You only need to set up the Direct Debit once and it will run every year. You do not need to cancel it.

To set up a Direct Debit, you will need:

  • Your council tax account reference number
  • Your bank details

Set up a Direct Debit for council tax online.

If you don't have a council tax account reference number yet, please visit our moving home page to notify us that you need to pay council tax at your new home.

If you want to change the bank account your council tax is paid from, you will need to set up a new Direct Debit.

Pay online by debit or credit card

You can pay by debit or credit card on the Peterborough City Council website.

Please have your council tax account reference number ready.

Other ways to pay

You can make payment by debit or credit card by calling Freephone 0800 389 1977 (24 hours a day, seven days a week).

You can pay your Council Tax, free of charge, by taking your bill to one of 50 outlets displaying the Payzone sign in the Peterborough area.

Find your nearest Payzone site.

To make payments by standing order or home banking, please use the details below when requested:

Barclays Bank, Peterborough
Sort Code: 20-67-45
Account number: 10572918
Payment reference: Please quote your council tax account number, found on the front of your bill.

We do not accept bank charges incurred for customers using international bank payments. Any charges directed to the council will be offset against the instalment received.

Payment frequency and instalments

Council tax bills are normally paid in 10 monthly instalments between April and January. You can also email to request a 12 month spread.

We must receive all amounts due on or before the instalment dates shown on your council tax bill. We will take recovery action if we do not receive payments by the due dates, and may withdraw your right to pay by instalments.

If you are struggling to pay council tax

If you are struggling to pay your council tax, please contact us to discuss before your account gets into arrears. This may help prevent additional charges accruing. We may be able to work out a more suitable payment plan for you. Visit our struggling to pay your council tax page for more information.