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All relationships have their ups and downs, and navigating this as a parent can be challenging.

If the following situations sound familiar, you and your partner or co-parent may be experiencing relationship conflict:

  • Not listening to each other
  • Giving the ‘silent treatment’
  • Arguments end without a resolution
  • Shouting, swearing, bickering
  • Undermining each other
  • Your child or children wishing you were friends with each other

It’s usual to have disagreements in a relationship, but when they spill out into family life, they can be emotionally damaging to your children.

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There is support available to help parents handle disagreements in a healthier way and resolve conflicts more quickly. Relationship interventions provided by OnePlusOne are designed to help parents reflect on conflict in their relationship with current or ex-partners, as well as the impact on their children.

Visit the One Plus One website to create a free account and choose from one of the following online courses:

  • Arguing better – for anyone looking to learn how to cope better with stress and deal with arguments in a healthy way.
  • Me, You and Baby Too – to help new and expecting parents navigate the changes that happen in their relationship when a baby arrives.
  • Getting it right for children – to help separated or separating parents learn to manage conflict and minimise the impact it has on their children.

If you would like more information on the support available for relationship conflict, please get in touch on 07554 151514, or email

Relationship conflict and domestic abuse are very different but can look similar. There are different kinds of domestic abuse, but it’s usually about having power and control over the other person.

Some of the signs of domestic abuse include:

  • Feeling afraid, threatened or harassed
  • Being physically hurt
  • Being isolated from family or friends
  • Being prevented from accessing money or working
  • Making you feel like you can’t say no to sex

If you are whether you are experiencing domestic abuse or relationship conflict, this checklist of signs of domestic abuse (PDF, 182KB)  may help.

Published: 13 September 2024