You can find the latest news about families and childcare from Peterborough Family Hubs below.
Contact the Family Hubs Team by emailing to find out more about the services available to children and families.

Discover our Family Hubs blogs

Draw a dinosaur to win
We’re celebrating National Draw a Dinosaur Day with a competition to win a hamper of dinosaur goodies.

Free parenting courses to get you on track in 2025
The winter break can be a fun, festive time for all the family – but it can also be tough when you’re a parent or carer.

Christmas at Peterborough Family Hubs
Join us as we look back at the magic created for families during our Christmas in Peterborough Family Hubs events.

A year in the life of Peterborough Family Hubs
After a whirlwind summer of family events, we celebrated our one-year anniversary by reflecting on our achievements.
Previous blog posts
Read older blog posts from the Family Hubs team.
Family Hubs celebrate action-packed summer
We have had a fantastic summer of free events for families across the city. From circus skills to den-building, martial arts to making pizza.

Spotting the signs of relationship conflict
It’s usual to have disagreements in a relationship, but when they spill out into family life, they can be emotionally damaging to your children.

Can you help us shape a new service for families with babies in Peterborough?
We’re setting up a new NHS parent-infant relationship team in Peterborough to support parents/carers and babies, and we want to hear from you!

Fifty free activity ideas for under-fives
Parents and carers in Peterborough have access to the free 50 Things Before you're Five app full of activities to do with your little one, designed to boost language and movement skills.

Marking Maternal Mental Health Awareness Week 2024
To mark Maternal Mental Health Awareness Week 2024, we launched a campaign to highlight the often invisible nature of maternal mental health issues.

Maternal Mental Health Awareness Week - Zainab’s story
As part of Maternal Mental Health Awareness Week, we wanted to share one mother’s experiences.

Chat, Play, Read - Everyday ways you’re already boosting your little one’s language skills
Most activities you already do with your child around the home or out and about are fantastic for developing talking and listening skills.

Fantastic first Family Hubs conference
Over 160 representatives from charities, schools, NHS services and other partner organisations gathered at Kingsgate Conference Centre to celebrate the achievements of Family Hubs in Peterborough so far and look ahead to the future of the programme.