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We currently spend around £100 million on the procurement of services, works and goods each year. Effective procurement of these is seen as absolutely key to securing the services, works and goods required to meet the changing needs of users and citizens and the achievement of best value.

We are required to work to European Union (EU) procurement directives applying to contracts above given thresholds:

  • Services and supplies over £189,330
  • Works over £4,733,252

Accessing ProContract

To find out more about being a supplier to the council and registering for ProContract or to login to your account, visit the supplier registration and login page

Future opportunities

We recognise the important contribution that small businesses can make in delivering public services and the vital role these businesses play in the local Peterborough economy, thus supporting the commissioning-led approach. 

There are no future opportunities at present.

Soft market tests

Current tenders

Current tenders above EU threshold

  • None at present

Current tenders below EU threshold 

  • None at present

Awarded tenders

Awarded tenders above EU threshold:

Awarded tenders below EU threshold:

Past tenders

Local suppliers guide

We recognise the important contribution that small businesses make in delivering public services and the vital role these businesses play in the local Peterborough economy, thus supporting the commissioning-led approach.

The local supplier guide is designed to help local businesses understand how the council makes procurement decisions and support the participation of those local businesses in appropriate procurement activities. 

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Education and Social Care Transport Service

Peterborough City Council and Cambridgeshire County Council have combined our education and social care transport service. This means any potential businesses wishing to provide education and social care transport services can now provide these services for both councils.

Further information is available on the Cambridgeshire County Council website.

Published: 27 January 2025