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Peterborough City Council is the latest authority to sign up to an initiative promoting fair tax conduct.

The Fair Tax Mark has developed the scheme in collaboration with UK cities, towns and districts which believe that they can and should stand up for responsible tax conduct, doing what they can within existing frameworks and pledging to do more where possible.

The declaration, which commits cities, towns and districts to pursuing exemplary tax conduct in their affairs, requires greater transparency from suppliers. It also calls on the EU and UK governments to review legislation and support greater powers for the exclusion of tax dodgers from public procurement.

Fair Tax Pledge

We pledge to:





Pass a resolution approving the Councils for Fair Tax Declaration.



Ensuring contractors implement IR35 robustly and a fair share of employment taxes are paid


Shunning the use of offshore vehicles for the purchase of land and property, especially where this leads to reduced payments of stamp duty


Undertaking due diligence to ensure that not-for-profit structures are not being used inappropriately as an artificial device to reduce the payment of tax and business rates.


Ensuring that there is clarity on the ultimate beneficial ownership of suppliers and their consolidated profit & loss position, given lack of clarity could be strong indicators of poor financial probity and weak financial standing.


Promote Fair Tax Mark certification for any business in which we have a significant stake and where corporation tax is due.


Join in and support Fair Tax Week events in the area, and celebrate the tax contribution made by responsible businesses who say what they pay with pride


Support calls for urgent reform of EU and UK law to enable municipalities to revise their procurement policies and better penalise poor tax conduct and reward good tax conduct

The Fair Tax Mark

Peterborough City Council Agrees with the view that Tax matters.

It matters because in order to ensure we can pay for the goods and services we all need to use, like roads, free education and healthcare it is vital that individuals and businesses pay their fair share of tax that is due.

Unfortunately, some companies opt to avoid paying their corporation tax in order to make more money themselves, harming the wider economy.

We hope that you’ll join us in declaring your support for the scheme and that you’ll sign up. If you’re already signed up it would be great if you would let us know via this online form

If you haven’t signed up, you can find out more online and sign up to learn how you can get the mark.

Published: 26 September 2023