Anyone other than a statutory undertaker who needs to excavate or place or maintain equipment or pipe work / cables within the highway must be in possession of a Section 50 street works licence.
Apply for a street works licence
The following criteria must be considered when the application is being evaluated:
- does the applicant or contractor have at least £5,000,000 public liability insurance
- is the proposed works on highway land
- has the form been signed by the applicant
- must use a suitable contractor or be suitably qualified under The New Roads And Street Works Act 1991 to work in the highway
- a site meeting is required to check the traffic management required to do the works (this is done after the application has been received).
Once a licence has been granted the applicant takes on the responsibility of a statutory undertaker and is responsible for the maintenance of the work for 2 to 3 years, dependent on the depth of excavation. Please refer to the guidance notes within the application pack for more information.
Contact to apply.
The following fees are payable to Peterborough City Council on or before the grant of a licence:
- (a) £160 in respect of the legal and administration costs incurred by the Authority in granting this Licence
- (b) £195 (being the commuted sum) in respect of the costs to be incurred by the Authority in administering this Licence; and
- (c) a sum being £75 for every 200 metres, or part thereof, in length of the street as shall be affected by the placing of the apparatus in respect of the Authority’s costs in inspecting the said works.
The standard minimum fee is £600.
For every 200m, or part thereof, over and above a length of 200m, a further cost of £75 is payable.
Will tacit consent apply?
No. It is in the public interest that the authority must process your application before it can be granted. If you have not heard from the local authority within a reasonable period please contact us. You can do this using the contact details below.
Failed application redress
Any applicant who is refused a licence can appeal in writing to Peterborough City Council Street Works Team by emailing
Licence holder redress
Any licence holder who wishes to appeal against a condition attached to their licence can appeal in writing to Peterborough City Council Street Works Team by emailing
Temporary road closure
If you need to temporarily close a road contact
You can also apply online by using the links below: