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To collect money or sell articles for the benefit of charitable or other purposes on public land you require a street collection licence from us.

Charitable collections in Peterborough using collecting tins, and stalls i.e. tombola, guess the weight of the cake etc, must be in compliance with the Miscellaneous Provisions Act 1916 as amended by section 251 of the Local Government Act 1972.

Apply for a street collections licence

Applications must be accompanied by a Letter of Authority from the Charity authorising the applicant to make a collection on their behalf.

Once the application has been checked, a licence number is issued in line with our procedures. A licence is issued containing all the relevant information, together with Form of Statement and the Official Badges for the Collectors.

Every promoter of a collection must exercise all due diligence to secure that persons authorised to act as collectors are fit and proper persons and to secure compliance by collectors within the regulations.

No promoter of a collection shall permit any person to act as a collector unless he has issued to that person a prescribed official identification badge and a collection box marked with a general indication of the purpose of the collection and a distinguishing number.


An administrative fee of £30.66 is applicable for the documentation of the license. You can either complete an application online (green button above) or by using the form (see right). If you have any questions, please email

Qualifying criteria

No provision in the legislation.

No. It is in the public interest that we must process your application before a licence can be granted. If you have not heard from us within a reasonable period (28 days), please contact us. 

Failed application redress

Any applicant refused a permit can appeal to the City Centre Services by emailing, at the contact details below but appeals must be lodged within 14 days of the refusal.

You have the right to appeal to the Minister for the Cabinet office

Licence holder redress

You have the right to appeal to the Minister for the Cabinet Office. Appeals must be lodged within 14 days of the decision.

Other redress

It is always advisable to make contact with City Centre Services in writing giving details of any complaints e.g., more than one collection at the same time in the same area.