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Public rights of way


We are responsible for maintaining a definitive map and statement (the legal record for the right of way) and asserting the public's right to use public rights of way. We are not responsible for rights of way outside of the Peterborough area or for private rights of way or "easements". 

There are three different types of rights of way, to which different legal rights apply.

Footpaths - used by pedestrians

The following applies to all footpaths:

  • you have the right to pass and re-pass on foot along a footpath with a normal accompaniment (e.g. a dog, a pram or a wheelchair)
  • you do not have the right to ride or wheel a bicycle along a footpath
  • it is a criminal offence to drive a motor vehicle along a public footpath unless you have specific lawful authority
  • you do not have the right to ride or lead a horse, or take a horse-drawn carriage along a footpath.

Bridleways - used by pedestrians, horses and cyclists

The following applies to all bridleways:

  • you have the right to pass and re-pass on foot along a bridleway, to ride or lead a horse, to drive animals and to ride a bicycle
  • cyclists must give way to walkers and horse riders on a bridleway
  • it is a criminal offence to drive a motor vehicle along a bridleway unless you have specific lawful authority
  • you do not have the right to take a horse drawn vehicle along a bridleway.

Byway open to all traffic - used by all traffic

The following applies to all byways open to all traffic:

  • you have the right to pass and re-pass on foot, to ride or lead a horse, to drive animals and to ride a bicycle or drive motorised vehicles
  • the public have the same rights on a byway as on surfaced country lanes. However, there is no legal obligation for a byway to be surfaced
  • vehicles using byways must be fully taxed, MOT'd and insured.

Peterborough's rights of way

You can view public rights of way on an interactive map.

We also have a Rights of Way Improvement Plan giving details about how we manage the network and how we intend to improve it in the future.

Reporting a problem with a right of way

If you want to report a problem with a public right of way you can call 01733 747474 or email