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Our Parking Service is committed to enforcing parking regulations fairly without prejudice; to improving conditions for people living, working and visiting Peterborough.

This is achieved through effective on-street parking enforcement reducing the dangers posed by illegal, inconsiderate and dangerous parking. Further benefits are improved access for the emergency services, local bus services and reductions in congestion.

Pay for a parking ticket (Penalty Charge Notice)

Parking tickets can be paid online or by calling our 24-hour automated payment line 0800 389 1977.

Please note: If you wish to challenge a parking ticket please do not pay it as it is not possible to challenge a ticket after it has been paid.

Challenge a parking ticket (Penalty Charge Notice)

Every person issued with a Penalty Charge Notice has the right to challenge the decision. On the reverse of the PCN there are instructions explaining this process and how to submit any relevant evidence supporting the challenge. If a challenge is received within the discounted period that is stated on the PCN then the opportunity to pay the PCN at the reduced rate will be re-offered in the event that the charge is upheld.

You can challenge a PCN on our parking appeals website.

Alternatively, challenges can be made via post to:

Parking Services
PO Box 1077

When submitting a challenge it is important to provide reasons for the challenge and include any supporting evidence (such as a copy of a pay and display ticket, disabled blue badge, delivery receipt or parking permit). The PCN number, vehicle registration and contact address should also be provided in all correspondence to prevent possible delays in allocating the challenge to the relevant case.

Should a challenge be refused, formal representations may be submitted to the Council upon the receipt of the Notice to Owner (NtO). This document will be issued to the person the DVLA holds on their records as the registered keeper of the vehicle, and will contain all the information needed in order to submit representations. Representations which are made after the end of the 28 day period specified on the first page of the NtO may be disregarded.

After a representation has been received, the council will respond in writing with a decision within the period of 56 days beginning with the date on which representations were received.

Further information on challenging a Penalty Charge Notice can be found on the Traffic Penalty Tribunal website.

Parking enforcement policy guidance

We have prepared the following policy guidance documents in respect of Decriminalised Parking Enforcement. The guidelines in these documents are intended to inform the public and provide guidance to council employees working in the enforcement of Parking Service. The documents cover the council’s Penalty Charge Notice handling policy, parking policy and the guidelines used by staff when considering challenges against a Penalty Charge Notice.

The documents are consistent with current best practice and aim to provide clarity, consistency and transparency within the enforcement process.

Published: 08 January 2025