In Peterborough, 94.35 per cent of children were offered a place at their first preference school.
The proportion offered a place at their first or second preference school was 97.82% with 98.51% offered their first, second or third preference school.
John Gregg, Peterborough City Council's Director of Children's Services, said: "I am delighted that so many young people have been able to receive their choice of school. Education plays such a critical part in ensuring that children get the best start in life. Being able to read and write well means that children can go on and reach their potential and this starts with a secure attachment to school and a relationship with a brilliant teacher."
Parents will also receive an email today with their offer details. It will explain how they should accept or decline their offer and the appeal process should they wish to appeal for any school that they are placed on a waiting list for.
Any parent that applied on a paper application form will have their outcome posted to them today,16 April 2024.
All school place offers must be accepted by 2 May 2024 to ensure their offered school place is secured for September 2024.