The highway network is vital to a prospering and growing Peterborough. Highway assets include a huge array of components ranging from road markings and ‘cats eyes’ to traffic signals, street lighting and bridges. The largest components of the asset include:
- Carriageways, 83 km of ‘A’ roads, 56 km of ‘B’ roads, 158 km of ‘C’ roads and 608 km of unclassified roads;
- Footways & cycleways, 1,157 km of footways and 450 km of cycleways;
- Structures, 366 including bridges, culverts and retaining walls;
- Approximately 24,000 street lights, and;
- Traffic Signals, 114 sets.
Managing our highway network is a critical challenge that requires careful consideration of the need to balance the management of an ageing network and high public expectations with reducing resources, less available funding and an increased pressure on local government services.
Highway Asset Management provides a framework that enables us to do this whilst:
- Focusing on outcomes that help to prioritise future funding decisions;
- Replacing inefficient and expensive short-term repairs, which allow more defects to develop, with longer term and less costly repairs (research show that reactive repairs are four times more costly than preventative treatments);
- Helping to make the best use of public money, and;
- Providing a clear evidence base to justify the need for future or new investment in highways management, such as through prudential borrowing.
Following the Asset Management Framework means that we are able to demonstrate to the DfT that Peterborough is managing its network robustly through an approved framework, ensuring that the City is able to compete strongly for highway maintenance funding from Central Government. The pages beneath set out some of the key pieces of information supporting this process.
Policy and strategy
The Highway Asset Management Policy and Strategy sets out how we will maintain the Highway Asset, and include detail on the decisions that we make, and the information that supports this decision making.
The Highway Asset Management Policy & Strategy is a live document, and is reviewed on an annual basis by an Asset Management Steering Group, including key stakeholders. This process includes a review of all feedback from key stakeholders and customers. Please contact us to provide your feedback.
National Highways & Transport Report 2024
The National Highways & Transport (NHT) conducts an annual survey to capture public satisfaction on services delivered by local authorities. In 2024, Peterborough City Council participated in the survey along with 96 other local authorities. A report has been produced providing a summary of the results.
Highway Infrastructure Asset Management Plan (HIAMP)
With a value in excess of £5.6bn (2015), the highway infrastructure is one of Peterborough City Council's most important assets. In these tough economic times, it is important that we manage our assets effectively.
Through an asset management and risk based approach, we can effectively manage our assets, prioritising our spending and maintain our position as one of the highest rated authorities within the region.
The Highway Infrastructure Asset Management Plan (HIAMP) brings together all of the strategies and policies for Peterborough Highway Services. These document how we manage and maintain the assets following both an asset management and risk based approach. They also define how we will use our resources and continue to improve the services that we provide.
Resilient Network
We are responsible for approximately 930km of highway. As a result, it is not practicable to maintain the passage of the whole network at all times. Therefore, we have adopted a reasoned policy to determine what streets will be included within the Resilient Network.
This network is included within the Winter Service Operational Plan which we review annually. It forms the gritting routes and also includes any routes which would be prioritised in the event of flooding or any other appropriate major incident.
You can view an online map showing the Resilient Network for Peterborough Highway Services.
Nearly 930km of highway network need to be maintained across the Peterborough area. This covers roadways such as dual carriageways and busy inner city routes, to quiet lanes and village streets in rural areas. The roads and pavements page has further information on how the highway network is managed.
You can find up-to-date information about roadworks, road closures, diversions and traffic incidents affecting local roads on the One Network website.
Reporting faults
Street lighting faults
If there is a street light that has stopped working either outside your house, down your road or anywhere across the city, you can report it to the street lighting team.
You can report potholes on the online reporting system.
Winter maintenance
In order to maintain the public highways within the local area, a winter maintenance service is also provided. Residents can follow any updates regarding road gritting via social media.
Consultation and feedback
The maintenance of the highway network is ultimately for the benefit of the customer – the residents and local businesses that use it. Making informed decisions to ensure that the network is appropriately maintained for the customer is central to asset management practice, and has been considered throughout the development of the Highway Asset Management Policy and Strategy.
Successful asset management is dependent on ongoing communication and feedback between asset managers, key stakeholders and the customer. This process is detailed in the Highways Asset Management Communications Strategy.
Key stakeholders
As part of our decision making process, we consult with the following key stakeholders:
- Network Rail
- Rail operators
- Bus operators
- Emergency services
- Utility companies
- National Highways
- Greater Cambridge Greater Peterborough Local Enterprise Partnership
- Neighbouring local authorities
- Environment Agency