Please note: Following a change of Government after the General Election on 4 July 2024, the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities (DLUHC) changed to the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government (MHCLG).
We sought bids from organisations wishing to deliver projects as part of the Levelling Up Fund, a £4 billion government funded programme to invest in regeneration, culture and transport schemes across local authorities in the UK.
Peterborough was identified as one of the 123 Priority 1 (from 3) areas for investment by the Government.
The Government was interested in bids that deliver visible impact, and project proposals that align with long-term strategy plans for local growth and regeneration. Our bids for Peterborough were located within the Peterborough constituency and North West Cambridgeshire constituency.
What the Levelling Up Fund is for
The first round of the fund focused on three themes: smaller transport projects that make a genuine difference to local areas; town centre and high street regeneration; and support for maintaining and expanding the UK’s world-leading portfolio of cultural and heritage assets, in particular:
- Transport investments including (but not limited to) public transport, active travel, bridge repairs, bus priority lanes, local road improvements and major structural maintenance, and accessibility improvements. We requested proposals for high-impact small, medium and by exception larger local transport schemes to reduce carbon emissions, improve air quality, cut congestion, support economic growth and improve the experience of transport users.
- Regeneration and town centre investment, building on the Towns Fund framework to upgrade eyesore buildings and dated infrastructure, acquire and regenerate brownfield sites, invest in secure community infrastructure and crime reduction, and bring public services and safe community spaces into town and city centres.
- Cultural investment maintaining, regenerating, or creatively repurposing museums, galleries, visitor attractions (and associated green spaces) and heritage assets as well as creating new community-owned spaces to support the arts and serve as cultural spaces.
Anglia Ruskin University (ARU) Peterborough Living Lab and Cultural Quarter Hub project
Following some excellent submissions in response to our call for projects, a panel of civic, business and community leaders evaluated those projects and ultimately chose the £28 million ARU Peterborough Living Lab and Cultural Quarter Hub project to go forward for submission on Friday 18 June 2021. This was based on how well it responded to the Government’s Levelling Up agenda and its ability to deliver swiftly and maximise investment into our city.
In October 2021, £20 million was successfully requested from the Levelling Up Fund.
The funding will provide a huge boost to the development of ARU Peterborough - the city's new university - and will help improve skills and opportunities in Peterborough. The money is being invested in additional teaching and new cultural facilities at the campus and a new building called 'The Living Lab'. This will provide STEM (science, technology, engineering and maths) education, combining learning with an interactive public science facility.
The overall cost of this new project is £28 million. We are contributing land for the project which is valued at £2 million. Anglia Ruskin is investing a further £4 million. The Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Combined Authority's Businesses Board is contributing £2 million.
ARU Peterborough is a partnership between:
- Peterborough City Council
- The Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Combined Authority
- Anglia Ruskin University (ARU)
ARU Peterborough opened its doors on time and on budget to students in September 2022.
The Living Lab is on track to be completed in summer 2024.
Successful bid for Peterborough Station Enhancements and Connectivity
A total of £48million is on its way to Peterborough, following a successful Levelling Up Fund bid for the first phase of regeneration of the area around Peterborough Train Station – known as Station Quarter.
We received official confirmation from the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities (DLUHC) on 19 January 2023.
The funding is ring-fenced and we can only spend it on the Station Quarter regeneration. The Government will release it to allow the Peterborough Station Enhancements and Connectivity project to move forward.
Additional match funding to bring the total funds up to around £65 million is expected to come from Peterborough City Council and other partners. This enables future private investment in commercial and residential development as a further phase of the Station Quarter programme.
Project overview and aims
The project involves creating a new western entrance to the station with a car park - to create a double-sided station - with a new wider footbridge over the train lines. This will alleviate pressure on city centre roads and make it easier and safer to travel around the city by bicycle. Green areas with biodiversity, community spaces and better connections to the city centre will make it safer and more attractive for bikes and pedestrians.
The enhancement of Peterborough Train Station will improve rail passenger journeys and encourage more rail travel. This will have a positive economic impact on the city and regionally, as the city is already well connected to key areas of Eastern England and the rest of the UK. In addition, it will support Peterborough in attracting more knowledge-intensive and high-level employers through its transport links.
Next steps
We have now received Outline Business Case approval from the Government for our proposals. We submitted our Outline Business Case in December 2023. We are now developing our full business case for submission back to the Government early next year. We are engaging with the public for their feedback on the plans.
For further information, please email