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Planning Policy Team, Peterborough City CouncilSand Martin HouseBittern WayFletton QuaysPeterboroughPE2 8TY

Planning Policy Team


01733 863881

Consultation Started: 26 Jul 2024 - Consultation Ended: 05 Sep 2024

Resolved: At the end of the petition period

We have received formal submission of the Werrington Neighbourhood Plan from Werrington Area Forum. This is following completion of their 'Regulation 14' consultation on the draft plan in January and February 2024.

A six-week consultation on the submitted plan (the 'Regulation 16' consultation) took place between 26 July and 11.59pm on 5 September 2024.

Werrington Neighbourhood Plan documents

You can view the key documents below:

How to comment

The deadline to submit comments was 11.59pm on 5 September 2024. This consultation is now closed.

If we receive any late comments, we will mark them as late and pass them onto the appointed examiner. It is up to the examiner as to whether or not they take the late comments into consideration.

What we will do with your comments

All comments made will be publicly available, along with details of your name and organisation (where applicable). Any personal information provided will be processed and used by Peterborough City Council in accordance with the with the principles found in the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR). Please see (Data Protection Rights Information | Peterborough City Council).

What happens after the consultation

Following this ‘Regulation 16’ consultation, the proposed plan will be submitted for independent examination and proceed to local referendum. If successful, the Werrington Neighbourhood Plan will be ‘made’ (brought into legal force) and will form part of the Development Plan for Peterborough City Council and be used in making decisions on relevant planning applications.

Receive future updates

If you would like to be notified of future stages of the Werrington Neighbourhood Plan, including our decision following the Neighbourhood Plan examination and referendum, please contact or 01733 863 881.

View our Neighbourhood Plans page

View our Neighbourhood Plans page.