Commissioned services, strategies, and resources
Sufficiency Strategy
- Peterborough City Council Sufficiency Statement Children in Care and Care Leavers 2021 – 2024 (PDF 832kb)
- Peterborough City Council Children in Care Market Position Statement - August 2023 (PDF 638kb)
- Peterborough City Council Sufficiency Statement Children & Young People with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities 2021 – 2024 (PDF2.14kb)
- Cambridgeshire County Council & Peterborough City Council Sufficiency Statement: Children & Young People with Disabilities & Complex Needs (PDF2.95kb)
Other strategies
Commissioning resources
Key documents and useful links
- Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Safeguarding Board
- Joint strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA)
- Peterborough City Council Ofsted Reports
- Local Area Risk Assessment Toolkits
- Safeguarding Toolkit for Children and Young people (xlsx)
- The Big Ask – The Big Answer – Report from England’s Children’s Commissioner (PDF 1.9mb)
The Children’s Commissioning Team regularly incorporates national research and tools into our work including the Early Intervention Foundation, Collaborate, GoLab, Social Value, The Academy for Social Justice, Cost Benefit Analysis and the Local Authority Interactive Tool (LAIT).
Autism Strategy and Toolkit
The All Age Autism Strategy (PDF 2.36mb) was developed in partnership with local organisations, service user groups and parent carer forums, drawing on the knowledge and understanding of those with lived experience of autism. The development of this strategy pulls together all of our autism workstreams across children and adults.
It also sets out our work to date; outlining the plans, ambitions, and commitment to work together across Health, Social Care and Education to support people of all ages with autism including their families and carers.
The aim is for Peterborough to be autism friendly. Where people with autism can live full, healthy, and meaningful lives, within a society that accepts and understands them. This includes focusing on services being person centred; providing care informed by an understanding of what matters to a person with autism and their family.
The strategy takes a whole life approach. With the right support, children, young people and adults with autism can live happy, healthy and independent lives within their own community.
Autism Toolkit
The Autism Toolkit (xlsx) has been created as part of the 'all age autism strategy'. It is a self-assessment tool which encourages and supports organisations to become more accessible.
The Autism Toolkit will be used across Peterborough City Council (PCC) and the Cambridgeshire & Peterborough Integrated Care Board (C&P ICB) when commissioning services and as part of provider contract management.
Please feel free to complete the Autism Toolkit or share with organisations and business across Peterborough. Organisations who have completed the toolkit can notify Children’s Commissioning and be included within our Autism Accessible Directory.
Preparing for Adulthood (PFA) Toolkit
A key focus for our commissioned services is supporting each young person / young adult to prepare for adulthood. The four Preparing for Adulthood outcomes will therefore be included within review processes. These include:
- Opportunities for further education and employment
- Independent living including access to supported living
- Having friends, relationships and being part of the community
- Being healthy and knowing how to stay healthy
The PFA Toolkit (xlsx) is available to support providers.
Commissioned services
Circles Network
Circles Network is a national charity with a reputation for building inclusive communities and working with disabled and disadvantaged children and young people. They have a long standing and established presence in Peterborough and have been supporting children and young people with disabilities in the city for over 20 years.
Circles Network currently provide a one-to-one service, small group services and large group services to children and young people aged 7-19 with disabilities and complex needs. These services promote autonomy, independence, confidence, and wellbeing and give children and young people to participate in a wide variety of activities. These involve activities such as computer gaming, music, arts and crafts, sports, drama, cooking, team games and relaxation.
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Centre 33
Centre 33 are a local charity who support Children and Young People up to the age of 25. They provide support around Mental Health, Sexual Help, Housing and finance, benefits and employment as well as delivering the Young Carers Support contract
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