The courses listed below are for parents of babies and young children aged up to 5 years old.
All of the courses are free for parents in Peterborough.
1. Baby Triple P
Triple P for Baby aims to prepare parents for a positive transition to parenthood and the first year with baby.
Parents actively participate in a range of exercises to learn strategies to develop a positive relationship with their baby, promote their baby’s development and help teach their baby new skills.

What parents have said about the Triple P for Baby course:
"This course has changed my parenting for the better"
"It's good to be able to work through the course at your own pace."
2. Peep Learning Together Programme
Peep groups are for parents and carers and their young children, some are for babies, toddlers, pre-schoolers (3-5) or young school-age children, while others are for mixed age children.
In Peep groups, practitioners and families share ideas and simple, low-cost activities that support your child’s learning in everyday life, talking, singing, sharing books and playing together. They're also a great way to get to know other families.

3. Solihull In Our Place online courses
The Family Hubs team have partnered with In Our Place to offer free courses to help you understand how best to support your child. There are free courses available for parents and carers including:
- Understanding your baby
- Understanding your child: from toddler to teenager
- Understanding your child's mental health and wellbeing

Further details, including how to access the courses, is available on the free online courses for parents and carers page.
4. Healthy Relationships course
The Family Hubs team have partnered with One Plus One to offer free courses to help parents communicate better with their child’s other parent and to help parents understand the negative impact of conflict on children.
There are free courses available for parents and carers including:
- Me, You and Baby Too
- Improve the communication with your partner to support your children (Arguing Better)
- Improve the communication with your ex-partner to support your children (Getting it Right for Children)

5. Triple P Standard
Triple P Standard is a parenting course supporting you to create the best environment for your child’s development. The course is designed to equip parents with the know-how to address child behaviours, promote new skills and help emotional self-regulation. Raise happier, more confident and capable kids, improve your relationship with your children, and enjoy being a parent more!