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Children aged from 9 months to 4 years

Working Parent Entitlement has been extended to include children in foster care, depending on foster carers circumstances.

From September 2024

  • Children from 9 months of age in eligible working families will be able to receive 570 hours per year of funded childcare that can be used at one or more childcare provider
  • Commonly offered as 15 hours a week term time over 38 weeks of the year
  • Can be stretched depending on the childcare provider (fewer hours over more weeks of the year)
  • 30 hours funded childcare (1140 hours) is already available for eligible 3 and 4-year-old children through this scheme.

From September 2025

  • Children from 9 months of age in eligible working families will be able to receive 1140 hours per year of funded childcare that can be used at one or more childcare provider.
  • Commonly offered as 30 hours a week term time over 38 weeks of the year (term-time)
  • Can be stretched depending on your childcare provider (fewer hours over more weeks of the year)
A child who reaches 9 months of age between Will be age-eligible from
1 April and 31 August  1 September
1 September and 31 December  1 January
1 January and 31 March 1 April

Application deadlines apply, and funded childcare cannot begin until the funding period (1 September, 1 January, 1 April) following successful application.

If the child is already over the age of 9 months, the same principle applies that funded childcare cannot begin until the funding period (1 September, 1 January, 1 April) following successful application. 

Apply for funding for children in foster care

Children in foster care are now able to receive 15 or 30 hours funded childcare, depending on their age, if the following criteria are met:

  • Accessing the funded hours is consistent with the child’s care plan, placing the child at the centre of the process and decision making.


  • In single parent foster families, the foster carer engages in paid work outside their role as a foster carer.


  • In two parent foster families, both partners engage in paid work outside their role as a foster carers. If one partner is not a foster parent, then they must be in qualifying paid work and earn a minimum of the equivalent to 16 hours at national minimum/living wage.

The Childcare Service (HMRC) is unable to perform the additional eligibility checks required, therefore the application process is managed by Local Authorities.

The application must be completed by the foster parent and counter-signed by a designated person determined by the responsible local authority to confirm eligibility, this is the child’s social worker. Supporting evidence of employment must be provided, such as payslips.

Please note: we can only process applications for children if Peterborough City Council is responsible for the child. The child does not need to be accessing a Peterborough childcare provider.

Children aged 2 - Disadvantaged Entitlement

All children in foster care are eligible for the disadvantaged entitlement for two year olds regardless of foster parent employment status. This entitlement is 570 hours per year, commonly offered as 15 hours per week term time, or fewer hours over more weeks of the year.

You must apply for this funding. The foster parent or social worker can apply using the online form or paper application form and send to

Find out how to apply for disadvantaged entitlement for 2 year olds.

You can apply for this funding from the term the child turns 2. Once this funding is in place, it continues until the child is age-eligible for the universal entitlement for three and four-year-olds.

Funding can start from the 1 January, 1 April, or 1 September that follows the child’s 2nd birthday. For example, a child who turns 2 on the 1 April could receive it from the 1 September, subject to application.

Please note: this funding cannot be used in addition to the Working Parent Entitlement for children aged from 9 months to 4 years.

Children aged 3 and 4 - Universal Entitlement

All 3 and 4 year olds are eligible for the universal entitlement. This entitlement is 570 hours per year, commonly offered as 15 hours per week term time, or fewer hours over more weeks of the year. Foster carers do not have to apply for this for foster children in their care, it will be automatically processed by the child’s childcare provider.

Find out more about 15 hours funded childcare for all 3 and 4 year olds.