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Children in Care Council

The Children in Care Council is a group of young people who are cared for Peterborough City Council. The group represents all Children in Care. The Children in Care Council gives children and young people the chance to shape and influence the services they receive at every level.

The Children in Care Council also oversees different participation groups. It makes sure that Children in Care are involved in:

  • Staff recruitment
  • Staff and foster carer training
  • The inspection of services for children

Children in Charge Youth Club

We run a youth club for children in care between the ages of 8-14 years. The club meets once a fortnight and activities include art and crafts, baking and communication games.

Independent Visitor for Children in Care

An Independent Visitor is a volunteer who gives some of their time each month to support and befriend a child or young person in care who has little to no contact with their birth family or where it is considered to be in the child’s best interests.

Find out more about becoming an Independent Visitor

The Children in Care Promise

The Children in Care Promise was written by the Children in Care Council and Children's Services to make sure Children in Care are getting the right services and support.

  1. We will work to keep you safe and help you to keep yourself safe.
  2. We will do everything we can to make you feel cared about, valued and respected as an individual.
  3. We will be honest with you and explain if we are unable to do something we said we would do. We will not make unrealistic promised to you.
  4. We will involve you in decisions making so your views are listened to, and we will explain when we make a decision you may not like or agree with.
  5. We will work to keep you in a supportive and caring environment where you feel safe and happy.
  6. We will support you to maintain a healthy lifestyle and help look after your physical and mental health.
  7. We will help you see your family, friends and other people who are important to you. If there are people we can't support you to see. we will explain why.
  8. We will support you to achieve your goals and reach your potential, in your education, hobbies and interests.
  9. We will work with you to give you all the help and support you need to make a success of moving on from care to adult life.
  10. We will make sure you have the up-to-date information you need, including who is working with you and how to give us your views or ask us for help.