Peterborough Integrated Renewables Infrastructure aims to deliver low-cost and low carbon emission energy for the Peterborough community. Developing an integrated energy system design for electricity, heat and transport will provide benefits to the community and business not just in Peterborough but around the UK. PIRI is working to demonstrate an investment-ready case that can be transferred to other cities.

By creating a local electricity network, we can reduce the strain on the distribution grid. We can also meet local energy demand with electricity production in Peterborough. We are the UK's forth fastest growing city. The electricity grid is filling up. This means we cannot install more renewable energy to plug into the grid. We can balance the production and use of electricity locally by creating a local energy system for Peterborough. This will allow further investment in renewable energy to flow into the city.

Every day, the Peterborough Energy Recovery Facility turns unwanted waste into electricity and heat, in the form of steam. Currently, this steam condenses back into water but could heat local businesses and homes. We have developed a small network, but we could expand it further across the city. This would mean individual businesses and homes wouldn't have their own boiler. The heat would be recycled from a previous use. This would save money and deliver near zero carbon emissions.

As we develop a network of local low carbon infrastructure, we will be able to connect Peterborough's public transport to our system. We are seeking to electrify local buses and council vehicles. We also plan to provide charge points for private fleets and public use. Energy generated at night, when most of us are asleep, can be used to charge electric vehicles, buses, and taxis instead of using fossil fuels. Everyday, we produce a surprising amount of electricity from unwanted waste, solar power, and wind. This can support the city as it grows.

Digital smart energy management
Bringing a smart local electricity network to Peterborough. We will use technology to balance demand and supply. This will meet the needs of Peterborough (homes and businesses) at different times of the day. For example, at night we use less electricity when we are in bed. So, we can divert electricity away to charge parked up busses and store heat for use in the morning. We can also help businesses to use electricity at different times of the day. This can boost their resilience, save money, and reduce their carbon emissions.

The PIRI project
We are moving into the next phase of the project. We will update this page in March 2024 with the details of Phase 2. If you would like to be kept up to date on the project, or would like further information, please use the form below.
PIRI news
PIRI project moves a step closer (Oct 2023)
Peterborough City Council cabinet members today (16 October 2023) approved a delivery route for the PIRI project, as well as agreeing to the commencement of a process to procure of a partner who will contribute to the scheme’s full business case... View the agenda and papers presented at cabinet.
The Peterborough Integrated Renewables Infrastructure (PIRI) - The journey so far 2021-2023 (Jan 2023)
View our story board, contains maps, flythroughs, specification documents, and research data on the journey so far.
Further information and resources
Links to other renewable energy network partners and projects:
- Danish Board of District Heating
- Enfield, London, heat network.
- UK, decarbonising heat, smart systems and heat
- Euroheat & Power, REWARDheat programme
- Stockholm, district heating.
- Olympic park/East London district heating scheme.
- City of London, district heating.
BEIS (Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy) UK heat networks planning database.