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23 July 2024

A decision made by Cabinet on 16 July in relation to the academisation of Ken Stimpson Academy and educational land known as Werrington Fields has been called-in. 

A call-in is a key element of the scrutiny function and it relates to the right of members to call-in for examination an executive decision that has been made but not yet implemented.

Three councillors must sign the call-in request. Councillors John Fox, Sarah Hillier and Christian Hogg made the request and the council's Monitoring Officer Neil McArthur has decided that the request is valid.

The call-in request will now go before a joint meeting of Children and Education Scrutiny and Growth, Resources and Communities Scrutiny on Friday 2 August at 10am.

The scrutiny committee will consider the call-in request and the reasons for it. It may decide to take no further action, in which case the decision stands. It may refer the decision back to Cabinet for reconsideration. Or, if it considers that the decision is outside the council’s Budget and Policy Framework, it may refer the matter to the Council.