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18 September 2024

Residents, businesses and other groups across the city are being encouraged to help shape our priorities for the city over the next three years by taking part in a public consultation on the council’s priorities that will launch on Wednesday 18 September. 

At today’s Cabinet meeting councillors gave the green-light to launch the Shaping Our City consultation, which will include a series of public meetings taking place in venues across the city.

The city council agreed its current Corporate Strategy in 2022, however with the challenges facing local government becoming increasingly difficult, particularly the huge financial strain caused by rising demand for services and interest rates remaining high, there is now a need to review that strategy.

Some of these challenges include:

  • The number of people coming to the council for housing support as they’re homeless rose 40% from an average of 51 a week in 2021/22 to 70 a week in 2023/24.
  • In the current year we are expecting to exceed our home to school transport budget by £1.1m due to increasing numbers of children with special education needs and disabilities who require transport to and from school.
  • In adult social care, we received 2,580 new requests for support in the last 12 months - 18% more than the previous 12 months.
  • The number of children subject to a care plan has doubled since last year (277 in March 2024, 136 in March 2023).
  • High interest rates mean we are refinancing debt at much higher rates, which is costing us an extra £2.5m each year.

The review of the Corporate Strategy is necessary to ensure the council can deliver the priorities it agrees within the budget it has available.

Speaking at today’s Cabinet meeting, Councillor Mohammed Jamil, Cabinet Member for Finance and Corporate Governance, said: “Like all local authorities, we continue to face ongoing financial pressures, and it is essential that we reach and maintain a position of financial sustainability.

“The council is currently facing an in-year overspend of around £10m and we are estimating that the budget gap in 2025/26 could range between £13.2m and £24.3m. This means that the council needs to be more precise about how it spends its limited budget and clear with residents about where our focus will be placed over the next three years. This also must be achievable, so that we can deliver what we are aiming to - our priorities must be in the right areas and must be affordable.

“As reflected in our values, we are committed to being bold and innovative, we respect our people and communities, and we keep our promises. In fact, we will be as bold to say that due to our funding pressures, we cannot deliver everything we used to.”

The draft strategy includes our core priorities for the next three years which are:

  1. Economy and Inclusive Growth
  2. Creating a Sustainable Future
  3. Prevention, Independence and Resilience
  4. Children and Young People

Under each core priority are priorities which detail the areas we believe need our focus the most in the next three years. Included is creating more and better paid jobs, enabling more homes, creating a safer, cleaner and more vibrant city centre, achieving financial sustainability, helping our residents stay healthy, independent and active, developing an inclusive and diverse workforce, providing the best support possible for vulnerable children and young people and offering the best opportunities for young people in care and leaving care.

Councillor Dennis Jones, Leader of Peterborough City Council, said: “The environment in which we are operating is challenging and ever changing. Any business must change and adapt to survive in those conditions, and we are no different.

“We cannot continue to provide the same services that we always have and if we do we will fail like many other councils before us that have needed to issue section 114 notices which limit all but essential spending.

“This consultation is a chance to have your say on our draft priorities and to also learn more about our financial position and the difficult choices we must make each year to set a balanced budget – something we legally have to do.

“Please get involved, your views will then be considered by Cabinet at a meeting in December as part of the process to agree our new Corporate Strategy and our budget for 2025/26 and beyond.”

The consultation runs from Wednesday 18 September 2024 until Sunday 27 October 2024.

A number of meetings will be taking place across the city, details of which can be found at

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