Work to install a replacement roof at the Key Theatre in Peterborough after Reinforced Autoclaved Aerated Concrete (RAAC) was discovered is set to get under way next year.
The move comes after council cabinet members agreed plans for the work which will be progressed following completion of a procurement process.
RAAC was identified in the roof of the theatre's auditorium back in October 2023 and interim measures were put in place to enable the venue's continued operation. Contractors pulled out all the stops to ensure that last year’s pantomime of Aladdin went ahead and shows have continued at the theatre since.
However, a permanent solution was always required and work to install a new roof is now planned to start in June 2025. As a result, the theatre will be closed for around 16 weeks. This period of closure was agreed with operator Landmark Theatres in advance to reduce the impact of losses for both the company and for the council.
Councillor Mohammed Jamil, Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Finance and Corporate Governance, said: “We are fully aware that the Key Theatre is a popular and much-loved venue and that’s why we have actively worked over the past year to find a permanent solution for the building’s roof.
“This will mean that the theatre will have to close whilst the new roof is installed, but once completed, it will ensure that the venue can continue to provide a vibrant cultural offering for Peterborough residents."
A capital allocation of £1,540,000 is already covered in the council's 2024/25 budget. This includes designer fees and the necessary work to the roof. An additional budget of £650,000 has been requested in the 2025/26 budget to deliver heating and cooling systems, as well as mechanical ventilation/extract and fresh air system replacements.
Following completion of the work, it is planned that the auditorium will re-open in early October 2025.
For more information visit here.