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18 July 2024

Work to enhance walking and cycling routes in Peterborough and encourage more people to use active transport is set to be progressed. 

At a meeting of Peterborough City Council’s Cabinet earlier this week, members approved the Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan (LCWIP) for 2024-34.

The LCWIP has been compiled following input from the council’s Cycling and Walking Task and Finish Group, the Climate Change and Environment Scrutiny Committee, and Cabinet. It outlines how investments in infrastructure will make walking and cycling the natural first choice for journeys in future.

The plan highlights walking and cycling routes that should be targeted for improvement as they offer the greatest opportunity to increase walking and cycling trips in the city. The routes are purely indicative at this time and more comprehensive designs and concepts will need to be determined by more detailed studies.

Councillor Mohammed Jamil, Peterborough City Council's Cabinet Member for Environment and Transport, said: “The LCWIP will have positive impacts on the environment as it will enable people to travel via active and sustainable modes in the future, tying in with our work to reduce carbon emissions.

“We are committed to providing quality walking and cycling routes will enable more people to travel to work, education or for leisure in a sustainable way.”

The LCWIP will also put the council in a better position to bid for active travel schemes in the future, building on the current funding that has already been secured which includes:

  • Approximately £3m for a new cycleway on Thorpe Wood.
  • Nearly £1m to design cycleways along sections of Oundle Road, Thorpe Road and adjacent to Bourges Boulevard.
  • Other major schemes where active travel is a major component, such as the £48m secured for Peterborough Station Quarter.
  • Approximately £400k of revenue grant for feasibility and early design options to help develop the 16 cycling routes identified in the LCWIP as well as behaviour change initiatives.

For more information and to view a copy of the LCWIP visit here.